What Should Your Child’s First Birthday Be Like?

Every moment that you live after the birth of your child is very special. For this reason, it is completely normal that each month you collect the most important things that have happened to you as a mother. However, as your child’s first birthday approaches, you start to wish for something more meaningful to commemorate it.

Although the usual thing is to prepare a traditional children’s party, one does not always want to go for this option. In fact, in recent years many other trends have been shared to highlight this day, since many parents consider that their little ones are not old enough to enjoy the party.

So what should your child’s first birthday look like? It all depends on your tastes and customs. If you can’t think of anything right now, then  we share some interesting options so you don’t overlook it if you don’t want the classic celebration.

Party for your child’s first birthday, yes or no?

Baby's first year birthday party.

For many years the typical party with balloons and cake was the boom  to celebrate the first year of life of the little ones. However, this idea has changed for a while  because many parents consider that it does not make much sense to celebrate big when their children are still babies.

Although contrary to custom, this idea is valid, since it is true that little ones can be stressed by noise, the hustle and bustle around them and the number of familiar and unknown faces in the same space.

Despite this, there are those who still prefer to celebrate this date with their children. Some even make this decision because, in addition to celebrating the child’s first birthday, they also celebrate their first year as parents.

For this reason, whatever the choice, it is completely respectable. As we have already said, it all depends on the tastes that each one has. If you decide you want to have a party, enjoy it and make it very special.

Tips for your child’s first birthday party

To make the celebration very pleasant, the ideal is to be as intimate as possible, without an environment that is too overwhelming for the baby. Make a small guest list and choose a time in the afternoon, right after the child’s nap.

Also, if you have the opportunity to prepare it at home, do so. Your child will feel more comfortable because he will be in a familiar and safe environment. On the other hand, in case he falls asleep, you can easily take him to his bed. The following ideas are also recommended:

  • Choose a cheerful and colorful decoration, but without overloading the space so that everyone can circulate comfortably.
  • Create a small play area, free of dangerous objects,  so that other children can have fun.
  • If you are going to play background music, make sure it is not too loud so as not to stun the little ones. Remember that they are much more sensitive than adults.

Other ways to celebrate your child’s first birthday

There is no rule that says what your child’s first birthday should look like. Therefore, if you do not see the party as a good option, you can prepare other plans to make this day memorable. Review some of these alternatives with your partner and together choose the one you like the most.


Photos of your baby's first birthday.

A nice way to celebrate your baby’s first year of life is with a professional photo shoot. Through these you not only compare how much it has grown, but you get a beautiful memory for a lifetime.

  • You can make it individual or family.
  • Dress him up in cute or curious clothes and include costumes, if you like.
  • Find a place that has good scenery to make it more special.

Familiar trip

What better opportunity to spend as a family than your child’s first birthday? If your plans are not to celebrate otherwise, take advantage of the day to take a trip with your baby and your partner. Shortly before the date, organize everything you need and find out everything you can about the places you want to visit.

You don’t have to go too far; the important thing is to share a different day together. In this sense, you can visit a nearby beach or a natural park.

Picnic afternoon

Family picnic.

If you are looking for an intimate and different way to celebrate, an afternoon of picnic will be very enjoyable. You can prepare it in advance with your partner and you can include foods that you can give your baby. The best thing is that you can take beautiful pictures to remember.

So, choose a colorful tablecloth and prepare snacks to your liking and to the taste of your partner. Add decorative elements to the tablecloth so that the photos reflect the birthday celebration.

Meeting at home

Celebrating your child’s first birthday doesn’t have to be in style. If you want to share this joy with your family, have a little gathering at home. For example, you can invite grandparents, uncles, and cousins ​​and host a meal on behalf of the birthday boy.

  • Don’t forget the cake! It will be ideal for family photos.
  • If you don’t want to cook, make a proposal that everyone bring something to eat to make a buffet .

You choose

Are you having a party to celebrate your child’s first birthday? Will you lean better for other options? Whichever option you choose, have fun with the people you love and make it an unforgettable day for everyone.

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