Treat Cellulite With Rosemary Alcohol

Rosemary alcohol is an excellent ally to combat cellulite or “orange peel”. This skin disorder occurs when soft tissues become inflamed due to a circulation or lymphatic system problem. This results in the formation of small dimples or nodules that usually occur when there is accumulation of fat in the deeper layers of the skin or as a result of fluid retention.

So far no exact cause of cellulitis has been determined, although the MedlinePlus medical encyclopedia explains that the most common are staph and strep bacteria. Similarly, it  is believed that habits and hormonal changes have a lot to do with it.

Today there are many products and therapies that aim to reduce this condition for smoother skin. However, there are natural alternatives that offer good results without having to invest large sums of money.

Therefore, today we are going to share the properties of rosemary alcohol, which for some time has been becoming popular for its effectiveness in improving the appearance of the skin of people who want to end cellulite.

Rosemary alcohol against cellulite

Rosemary is a medicinal plant widely used by professional chiropractors. Why? One of its main virtues is, according to this study carried out by the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil), its powerful anti-inflammatory action that makes it suitable for treating muscle ailments, improving blood circulation, combating fluid retention or doing relaxing massages. And the alcohol formula allows the skin to absorb it more easily.

Rosemary alcohol to fight cellulite

Thanks to the toning properties of the alkaloid rosmaricin , this alcohol is a good method to combat orange peel skin and improve its appearance in a short time. It also acts as a natural tonic, ideal for maintaining skin elasticity and preventing sagging.

However, for its effects to be visible it is very important to apply it constantly and complement it with good lifestyle habits that include a healthy diet and an exercise routine.

How to prepare rosemary alcohol at home?

This natural product can be purchased ready in pharmacies or natural products stores but there is also a very simple way to prepare it at home to ensure the ingredients used and its 100% natural formula.



  • 1 bunch of fresh rosemary branches, with leaves and flowers
  • 150 ml of 96º alcohol
  • 1 glass jar


  • Put the fresh rosemary branches in the glass jar, crumbled or whole.
  • Cover the rosemary with the 96º alcohol, that is, the ethyl alcohol that is usually sold to disinfect wounds
  • Cover the jar tightly, take it to a dark and dry place and let it rest for about 15 days
  • After that time, filter the alcohol with a clean cloth or strainer and it will be ready for use.

Application mode

  • Ideally, you should first exfoliate your skin before treatment to improve its absorption capacity.
  • After exfoliating your legs or areas where you want to combat orange peel skin, apply the rosemary alcohol using two cotton pads
  • The massage on the affected areas should be done in an ascending way, starting from the knees to the hips, in such a way that the skin is soaked with the product

    Pay special attention to the back of the legs, just below the buttock, which is the area where cellulite accumulates the most.

    • Leave the product to act for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water and, if you want, apply a firming cream

    The form of application must be taken into account because only in this way is it possible to activate circulation and stimulate the elimination of liquids. Alcohol should be used every day with a massage, emphasizing those areas of the body where there is a greater concentration of those annoying dimples.

    If you combine this therapy with a good diet and exercises for the legs and buttocks, we assure you that you will begin to notice the results in a very short time.

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