Tips To Forgive Myself For Past Mistakes

You have to know how to let go of the past when it becomes a burden that prevents you from moving forward, improving and being happy.

While it is true that we can use mistakes as learning, many people do not forgive themselves for the mistakes of the past and do not move forward. What happened yesterday should not intrude on your emotions or thoughts today.

Although it may seem like a trite phrase, the truth is that ” nobody is perfect ” and we all make mistakes. But the difference lies in how we take that failure and in what way we learn from it.

There is no use staying home crying thinking about what we have done wrong if we are not going to find solutions. Blaming or punishing us will get us nowhere.  It’s all about understanding what happened and finding alternatives to prevent it from affecting us again

When we have made certain mistakes we feel defeated, desperate and anguished. Of course, the task of forgiving ourselves for past mistakes is not easy, but it is worth the effort.

Tips to forgive past mistakes

In this case we will focus on the mistakes of the past that you yourself have starred in. Believe it or not, we are much harsher judges with ourselves than with others. Start right now and remember that every failure is an opportunity to grow:

1. Find the bright side

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Unlike what is believed, there is always something good in every experience. Pain, failure and mistakes should allow us to grow, mature and understand life better.

Then you have to find the teaching. Reflect, for as long as it takes until you find the positive side and so you can forgive yourself.

2. Determine the why of forgiveness

Forgiving is a very important act because it frees us.  Maybe you feel guilt or responsibility for something that happened and for this you cannot forgive yourself.  Show yourself that you have the ability to change and improve

Perhaps the memories are very painful but you should know that even if the consequences have been bad, you have time to redeem yourself and solve the situation.

3. Love yourself

love yourself to forgive past mistakes

We are often  overly critical of ourselves and cannot forgive past mistakes because we do not have enough self-esteem.

Self-esteem is not synonymous with narcissism  but allows us to understand, be compassionate and love ourselves with our defects. Practice self-love as a bridge to forgiveness and you will see how you feel better about yourself.

4. Think ahead

Living excessively aware of the past does not allow you to look to the future. Chaining oneself to yesterday is one of the biggest obstacles that leaves us “always in the same place”. A good way to get rid of that weight is to plan and define objectives.

You can even use glitches to jump into action, once you know what not to do if you want to make your dreams come true.

5. Start from scratch

“Cleaning the slate” is a great way to forgive ourselves for past mistakes. You must be like the phoenix and rise from the ashes.

Put aside all the pain and problems that have not allowed you to grow. Focus on that “new you” that has neither fear nor suffering, but experiences and wisdom.

6. Grow spiritually

Perhaps you need outside help to accept what has happened. You may have tried several times to do it alone and have not achieved the results you expected.

You have several options to choose from among which are:

  • To meditate.
  • Make a spiritual retreat.
  • Go to a psychologist.

All of this can help you grow emotionally and spiritually. Of course you can always set aside a few minutes a day to reflect and think positively. Look for times of the day when no one bothers you like before sleeping or when you wake up.

7. Appreciate your current life

An excess of the past or future are not good for anyone because they fill us with sadness or anxiety as the case may be. Therefore, it is essential that you enjoy today  fully  and try to be consistent. Think, what is the most important thing about your present? For what things should you feel grateful and blessed?

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