The Types Of People Difficult To Deal With

In many cases it is important to try to put yourself in the shoes of difficult people, as it is possible that your problem is due to a past conflict that they have not been able to resolve

At some point in our life we ​​have had to deal with certain beings that have left us stunned, frustrated and angry. How should we act in this situation? As a first step, recognizing the types of people that are difficult to deal with.

 In this article we tell you which are the most frequent and the most appropriate forms of action to avoid being harmed from the meeting.

Difficult types of people we should avoid

It is true that sometimes we cannot distance ourselves or avoid certain types of people because they either work with us or are our neighbors… they are even part of our family.

However, we can identify them and reduce contact with them. What are the most difficult personalities to deal with?

1. Hostile partner

How to improve relationships with coworkers

We cannot get along with everyone in the workplace. That is more than clear.

However, there are certain people who make it more difficult for us to exist in the office or workplace. They are aggressive, hostile, sensitive to criticism and moody colleagues.

They can react violently if they hear something they don’t like as emotions cloud their understanding.

If he treats you badly, don’t be vindictive: this way you will avoid problems in the future. We also recommend that you do not lose your cool in their presence, that you do not judge their feelings and that you set the limits clearly from the beginning.

2. Helpless victim

This type of person is always depressed, sad, looking for the negative side of things. He believes that the world is conspiring against him and that everything is going wrong for him.

But, be careful, because you can take advantage of your personality to achieve your goals through emotional blackmail.

Talking about your own misfortunes, crying and looking for blame in others can be a technique for others to have compassion or not tell you that you did something wrong, for example.

3. Chronic complainer

Whiner, one of a kind of hard to deal with

It is similar to the previous one but, in this case, his words do not speak from sadness, but from anger. He always has the complaint on his lips and sees the negative side of even the best news of the day.

This type of personality tires those who listen to him because he never has something nice to say. We must not fall into the trap and use the same language or optics as the complainers because we will end up embittering everything.

4. Indifferent

Although it may seem strange, it is also difficult to treat a person who does not care about anything. Since they do not express their feelings or express opinions on different topics, sometimes dealing with them is a nightmare.

These beings are often afraid of being rejected and are not very sociable. Therefore, we never know what happens to them.

5. 100% pleasant

The problem is not that he sees the glass “half full”, but in his excessive optimism. No matter what you say, he will always agree, smile at you and say that everything is “wonderful.”

These types of people are constantly seeking approval from others. It is likely that they were thus educated. Being kind to others can make us lose patience, especially if you need an honest opinion or new ideas.

6. Capricious inveterate

People who are stubborn and who do not change their minds for the world are also very difficult to deal with.

When someone is capricious, it does not matter what they are told or how they are told it… they are not interested in hearing the opinions of others.

They will contradict you without thinking and will want to impose their ideas above yours even when they are clearly not appropriate.

7. Brainiac or know-it-all

We can differentiate two types of “scholars”: those who really know and those who believe they are experts on any subject.

In any case they can be tedious. When we are in front of a specialist, their way of acting will make us feel inferior or stupid. He does not allow others to help him because no one would do better than him.

The false connoisseur is usually a charlatan or a liar. It is essential to identify him in time to avoid problems.

8. Obsessive

The continuous search for perfection may or may not be a skill, depending on how it is used.

In the case of obsessives, they often sin as capricious or stubborn because they want things to be done the way they want.

Also, they can waste a lot of time on details. So that everything is perfect they can spend hours with a single task.

How to deal with difficult people

When we have to face these complicated types of people, it is good to have a strategy so that our coexistence is not disastrous or, at least, so that, by avoiding them, we are not so blunt.

Pay attention to these tips:

1. Listen

It is the main tool we have at our disposal, even when the other person is unbearable.

This does not mean that we spend hours listening to the complainant or the depressed, but it does mean that we try to understand them through their words.

2. Keep calm

keep calm with difficult types of people to deal with

Do not get carried away by the emotional burden of others. Control your breathing, close your eyes, and count to 100 if necessary. This way you won’t end up creating an additional problem.

3. Don’t judge

Although these types of people are unbearable, many times we do not know why they act that way. They may have been brought up like this or had some trouble or trauma in the past.

4. Set limits

It is essential to “cut your losses” and not get trampled on by a difficult person. With education and respect we can achieve our mission.

Do not forget the “please” and “thank you” so that they understand better.


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