The Pride Of Being A Narcissist

Although the narcissistic person has many traits that we may dislike, we could learn from them when it comes to prioritizing ourselves and always seeking well-being

The narcissistic person is one who admires himself excessively, who believes himself superior to others, so much so that he feels that the world revolves around him.

Many people consider this trait toxic, as the narcissist sees others as objects, not as human beings.

This causes many problems in interpersonal relationships, but how does a narcissistic person see it? Is it possible to find a balance in this attribute?

A quality with its lights and its shadows

The narcissistic trait teaches us many things, both for better and for worse. People who own it care a lot about themselves, are selfish and take pride in who they are. Without a doubt, self-esteem is not something that can be affected, since the confidence that they have in themselves is very powerful.

These characteristics, in their proper balance, could be a welcome lesson for everyone. Well, don’t we usually think of others before ourselves? What do we feel bad about being selfish?

They have taught us that thinking of others is the ideal, however because of this they break our hearts, destroy our self-esteem and our happiness ends up transforming into suffering.

On the other hand, narcissists know how to prioritize, they feel pride in their way of being and do not want to transform themselves into a different person. Also, they always think of their well-being first.

However, their attitude is not balanced and their excess causes them to treat others as objects, that they are unable to empathize and that, in most cases, they hurt the sensitivity of other people.

This trait at this extreme becomes toxic and consequently harmful. However, the narcissist does not believe that this is so, since he considers himself a superior being.

The vanity of the narcissist

The concept that narcissists have of themselves is so high that they do not consider their quality to be negative, because for them everything is benefits.

Putting ourselves in their place, it is difficult to realize the consequences of our actions when this does not affect us and when everything is going well for us. However, on the other side are people whose self-esteem and confidence are further undermined by these types of people who treat them as mere objects.

Because if there is something that narcissists have, it is that at first they seem like nice and trustworthy people. However, over time, everything starts to change and you know something is wrong when you start to feel bad and uncomfortable without really understanding why.

The narcissistic person has big dreams that he wants to fulfill and, therefore, will use others to achieve these purposes.

To do this, they will subtly and effectively manipulate other people without feeling remorse or guilt. The others are instruments, let’s not forget.

How to detect a narcissist?


Perhaps you now have doubts as to whether you are surrounded by a narcissist. For this, there are a few things you should pay attention to.

For starters, narcissistic people are very selective about their friendships. They always try to surround themselves with those who can provide what they demand (social status, recognized work, etc.).

Another characteristic that you can observe is that they are almost control freaks. So much so that it is transferred to personal relationships, where it manifests itself in the form of manipulation.

Something that can powerfully attract your attention is that narcissists tend to change the course of conversations when feelings or emotions take on a special role.

This is a product of their lack of empathy. Although as human beings they cannot help feeling various emotions, they avoid it as much as they can.

Have you ever been around someone who considered himself the best and looked down on other people? Narcissists are everywhere and detecting them will help us prevent them from harming us. Of course, let’s not see everything as something negative and pick up that positive part, but that must be in balance, to be better people.

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