The Best 11 Simple Beauty Tips

Most of us are constantly on the lookout for a host of beauty tricks and products to help us look good and improve our appearance every day. Luckily, there are several very ingenious home beauty treatments that could help us every day to improve our routine and look radiant at all times.

Home beauty treatments

Before resorting to any of these natural personal beauty alternatives, it is recommended to consult with a health professional (dermatologist, nutritionist, doctor, etc.). Of course, this is extremely necessary if there is a health problem; In addition, it will help avoid possible allergies or side effects.

Hair gel

Hair gels help to achieve better hairstyles and give our hair a better shape. However, many gels have very strong chemicals for our hair and can end up weakening it to the point of making it fall.

To achieve the same effect of the gel but without taking risks, there is a belief that using a little unflavored gelatin dissolved in water and applying it to the hair, from the middle to the ends is beneficial. If your hair is curly, the same recipes recommend tightening it to give it movement.

Moisturizing lotion


If you are looking for a different alternative to hydrate your skin and even your hair, coconut milk can represent a great solution. Various researches are cited when listing the benefits of this product in this regard.

This natural product has calming properties and helps to deeply hydrate the skin to prevent dryness and other problems. Simply apply it all over your skin before going to sleep and enjoy all its benefits.

Treatment for pimples

The pimples are one of the most common alterations in the skin and they can affect us at any time. If you suffer from pimples and want to get rid of them, it is advisable to apply a natural yogurt mask on your skin.

Certain popular beliefs indicate doing it every night before going to sleep, letting it dry, and removing it the next day. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor before doing so.

The truth is that there are studies that partially confirm the benefits of the consumption and topical use of fermented products such as yogurt. However, more research is still needed in this regard.

Vaseline for your routine

A product as inexpensive as Vaseline can help you every day to:

  • Moisturize the skin and lips, according to studies that partially confirm its effectiveness.
  • Also to strengthen the eyelashes, according to popular beliefs.
  • Finally, to remove your makeup, also in accordance with its most widespread uses historically.

Traditionally, its use consists of applying directly to the desired area. As in all other cases, we recommend consulting with a dermatologist before resorting to this natural remedy.

Strengthen and care for nails

If you have brittle, brittle and stained nails, simply soak them in lemon juice or a little olive oil for 5 minutes every day.

It should be noted that, although both ingredients have effects related to skin care, their effectiveness has not been proven when it comes to nail care beyond the treatment of psoriasis, in the case of olive oil.

Regular exfoliation


To show off radiant, smooth and hydrated skin, exfoliate your face and body (preferably, following the steps provided by professionals) at least once a week.

  • You will stimulate the elimination of dead skin cells.
  • You will close the pores.
  • You will avoid premature aging.

Silky lashes

For silkier and longer lashes, popular beliefs suggest applying a little olive oil every night from root to tip. Its effectiveness has not been proven by science.

Grease-free hair

Hair mask

If you suffer from excess oil in your hair and want to have a smoother mane, you could follow the following preparation, extended in popular belief:

  • First, squeeze the juice from four lemons.
  • Then dissolve it in two liters of water.
  • Finally, rinse your hair with this liquid and you will notice the changes.

Detangle hair

If you want hair that’s easier to style, silky and shiny, applying a good amount of mayonnaise all over your hair and scalp is said to work. However, it is not a scientifically proven method and there are even dermatologists who have discouraged its use in academic publications.

Close the pores of the skin


To close the pores on your skin and prevent annoying blackheads, you could try mixing the juice of half an orange with half a glass of mineral water and spreading the juice all over your face. This is a traditional recipe not scientifically confirmed.

Prevent wrinkles

There are also widely popular natural remedies to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. One of them (not scientifically proven either) consists of the combination of raw potato and chamomile.

If you are concerned about the possible early appearance of wrinkles, grate a raw potato and mix it with chamomile tea (this herb does have positive effects on the skin). Apply the resulting paste all over your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

Other simple tricks you can keep in mind …

  • To achieve a natural tan, apply coconut oil to your skin (this has not been scientifically proven) and eat a carrot every day, due to the phytonutrients it contains and that help skin care.
  • If you woke up with puffy eyes and dark circles, put on some cold spoons for a few minutes to reduce inflammation. The application of cold is widely used in sports to reduce inflammation.
  • For healthier and more rested feet, immerse them in a bucket of water and a few drops of lavender essential oil, whose analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects have been scientifically proven.
  • For smooth, hydrated hair, apply an avocado mask from root to tip.
  • Avoid frequent use of blow dryers and flat irons to maintain good hair health.
  • If you want to strengthen your nails, popular beliefs recommend preparing a polish with crushed garlic and applying several layers.

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