The 4 Most Important Values ​​to Pass On To Your Children

Educating is one of the most important tasks of the human being. If you are a father, mother, grandfather or teacher, it is essential that you ask yourself what you should instill in the little ones. Specifically, what values ​​are essential?

Here we present these four values ​​that you can transmit to your children as key values ​​to develop throughout their lives.

The most important values ​​to teach children

1. Key values ​​for children: empathy

What could be more important than knowing how to put yourself in the shoes of others? It is in this way that children can acquire a knowledge of themselves and of others; It is the fundamental requirement to live in respect, happiness and also in harmony.

Having empathy is understanding what can harm others, or what they should not do to avoid causing harm to those around them. It is undoubtedly an exceptional value; It leads us to understand that we are all people, with mistakes, successes and reasons to act as we do.

Empathy will allow infants to have true friends, respect their partners tomorrow, and be happy with them. It implies knowing that others also feel fear, happiness, anguish, fear or shame; it is a way to improve coexistence.

It is one of the most important values ​​because it implies knowing that, as they do, others also feel hurt. In short, it is a value that will allow them to be more respectful.

2. Humility

It is very important that children learn that they are not superior to anyone, that it is not good to boast in front of others, of what one has or how one is.

Humility is a way to be happier, because we get used to appreciating the simplest and most elementary things. At the end of the day, they are things that, in essence, are more important in life.

Living with a humble attitude will allow you to get to know each other better, to have a more real vision of things and of those around you. To do this, always avoid entertaining them with many gifts, do not satisfy all their desires, teach them that everything in this life requires an effort, and that the smallest things, and even the immaterial, are what really matter.

Being humble is an indispensable value that is not always practiced when educating the little ones. We tried?

3. The commitment

Commitment is a value that children should develop over time, but that we will promote from a very young age. With this, they will learn to be more mature and responsible day by day.

Committing to things helps them to be better as they grow and mature, to take responsibility for their studies, and also to have a good relationship with their family and friends.

All this creates bonds and marks perspectives in them. In times of transience in which everything is ephemeral, sustaining the commitment over time makes the difference.

Commitment is one of the most important values, it teaches them that there are things to fight for, strive for, be responsible and improve. We must make our children see, for example, that words have a value and that effort is essential.

4. Self-esteem

Self-esteem is a great value, an essential teaching that you must promote in your children from the first day. To achieve this, give them support, praise them, reinforce what they do well and also give them guidelines to correct their mistakes.

Also, encourage them by showing them how exceptional they are and how much you love them; push them to dare to do things with confidence, knowing that being wrong is not bad and that with effort they can achieve anything.

A person with high self-esteem is a strong person, who cannot be hurt; a person who keeps the illusion in himself and who feeds the idea of ​​being happy every day. Because he deserves it and because you have taught him.

Remember that, for children to adopt the most important values ​​that we want to teach them, it is we who must set an example. How to do it? Simple: being consistent, firm and always maintaining the maximum illusion and the greatest affection towards them.

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