The 10 Best Natural Laxatives To Combat Constipation

Thanks to its properties and its pectin content, the apple can help us regulate intestinal processes, both in case of constipation and diarrhea.

If you suffer from constipation, you will want to know which are the best natural laxatives. Remember that you should also consume those foods that contain a good amount of fiber and those that regulate transit and intestinal flora, such as yogurt.

Natural laxatives are foods or herbs that make bowel movements easier. It is important to differentiate them from purgative, because the latter have a stronger or more drastic action and can lead to certain problems or contraindications.

Types of natural laxatives

Taking into account the way they act in the body, we can differentiate the following types of natural laxatives:


They are also called purgative or cathartic. They act by stimulating the musculature of the intestine, since they have certain compounds that act on the nerve endings of the colon, causing movements that favor defecation.


The negative effects of stimulant laxatives have to do with the amount of time they work in the body. Once they are taken they can continue working for up to 8 hours. It is advisable to consume them before going to sleep so that they act during the night.


They are laxatives rich in fiber that increase the volume of stool, retain water, hydrate the walls of the intestine and help peristaltic movements in a more natural way, favoring evacuation. They can be rich in soluble or non-soluble fibers.

The action is lighter than that of stimulants and they are recommended as a first measure when there is constipation or problems with going to the bathroom. They normalize the functioning of the body and it is recommended to accompany them with foods with probiotics, such as yogurt.


These types of laxatives work by increasing the amount of water in the intestine, which softens the stool. Their action is similar to mechanical ones, they have many minerals and force the intestine to eliminate fluids. Among the osmotics we can find plums. The effect is strong and requires drinking a lot of water or isotonic drinks to recover the lost water.

The best natural laxatives, which one to choose?

Among the best mechanical natural laxatives, that is, the mildest,  we can highlight the following :

Plums and honey

Place six plums in a pot with a cup and a half of boiling water, cover and soak overnight. In the morning, strain, place a tablespoon of honey and drink. Don’t throw away the plums, you can eat them throughout the day.

aloe vera

Cut a stem of aloe vera or aloe vera and chop it up. Bring some water to a boil. Wait for it to cool and pour into a glass jar with a tight lid. Add the aloe vera pieces and cover. Take to the fridge.

You can consume twice a week at most. It is one of the best natural laxatives, but it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, nor for people taking blood thinners.

Grape juice and flaxseed

Make a juice with some grapes (until you get about a cup) and pour a tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Drink on an empty stomach for no more than a week at a time.

Castor oil compress

This homemade laxative is for external use. You have to dip a washcloth or gauze in castor oil, heat over low heat, lie on your stomach and support your lower back. Cover to keep warm longer. Repeat once a day. It is not recommended to consume castor oil for constipation.

Foods with laxative capacity

In addition to those already mentioned, there are other very effective natural laxatives for constipation. Before knowing what they are, it is necessary to determine what this condition is about. Constipation occurs when a person goes to the bathroom less than three times a week and the stool is dry and hard.

This digestive problem is the most common today. Therefore, it is necessary to lead a healthier life to have normal bowel movements. Some foods that can help you:


This herb native to India is very rich in fiber  and is perfect for going to the bathroom properly. It has the ability to absorb water, increase the size of the stool and stimulate intestinal transit.


This delicious fruit (whether red or green) contains a substance called pectin that promotes intestinal motility, softens stool (due to the amount of fibers) and favors expulsion. Eat an apple a day. You can make it mid-morning or as a dessert after dinner. If possible, let it be raw or boiled with plums. It is one of the best natural laxatives.


It is another of the fruits that provides a large amount of fiber (in addition to potassium), being a powerful laxative. A piece of banana provides 12% of fiber that the body needs per day. In addition, it contains oligosaccharides, substances that reach the large intestine undigested, which favors digestion and evacuation.


It is a vegetable that should not be missing in any dish, because it has a delicious flavor, but also because it helps us in many diseases, pathologies or conditions. It is a very effective natural laxative.

In addition, consuming raw onion activates the secretion of gastric juices and favors the health of the intestinal flora. On the other hand, a component called quinine stimulates metabolism.

If constipation persists or other symptoms are added, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

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