Recipe For Tomato Soup To Lose Weight

We know that there are many ineffective miracle diets. But to burn fat it is convenient to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. This tomato soup is a great complement to keep us satiated.

Lose weight

Being a homemade recipe we are sure that it is completely natural. Which is always healthier than any packaged tomato soup.

Tomato is a great antioxidant, diuretic and low in fat. In addition to a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Tomato soup recipe for weight loss

Ingredients needed


  • Half a kilo of ripe tomatoes.
  • Half a liter of water.
  • Half an onion.
  • Two cloves of garlic.
  • A small pepper.
  • A carrot.
  • A bay leaf.
  • Some mint leaves.
  • A little bit of parsley.
  • Pepper and olive oil


tomato soup

  • We wash the vegetables and leaves well.
  • We must finely chop both the onion, the carrot, the pepper and the garlic.
  • In a pot with a little olive oil. We put the chopped ingredients to brown, add a bay leaf and a little pepper. Make sure to cook them over low heat.
  • We clean the tomatoes, we can remove the stem and make a cross cut in each one. This way the juice comes out better.
  • We put the tomatoes to boil in a pot. Remember that if the tomatoes are ripe, your soup will be much tastier.
  • Once the tomatoes have been blanched, remove them. When they are cold, remove the skin.
  • Chop the tomatoes and add them with the rest of the ingredients. Add the half liter of water and mix everything well. We let it cook for at least 20 minutes over medium heat. Add the mint and parsley, also remove the bay leaf.
  • Finally beat everything well.

Once plated we can add a mint leaf for a better presentation.

An ideal complement

As you can see, this soup is very easy to make. Obviously, we are not going to consume only this soup to lose weight, it will only serve as a complement to our diet. If you follow a low-fat nutrition, do some exercise, drink water and watch your calorie intake, you will undoubtedly lose weight.

This soup is cleansing, digestive and diuretic, fantastic for our dinners or our lunches. We can also accompany it with other suitable foods that allow us to lose weight. Do not miss the opportunity to try it. You’ll love it.

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