Know The Foods That Cause Bad Breath

Have you ever noticed that there are foods that cause bad breath? Although this can occur for several reasons, one of them is associated with our intake, what can we do to solve this problem?

This odor emerging from the mouth is known as halitosis and can be detected by others around you. Therefore, it generates a lot of discomfort and shame in those who suffer from it. Read on and discover more about this topic.

Bad breath: what foods cause it?

Halitosis has been associated with poor oral hygiene and diseases of the oral cavity, but this is not the only source of the disorder. It can also be caused by certain foods.

There are several foods that have been linked to the appearance of bad breath in humans and this has to do with the chemical compounds or substances they present. Let’s discover some, in particular, that are known generators of halitosis.

Garlic and onion

They are the main culprits, especially when eaten raw. They are members of the Allium family  and have a similar composition, as they include parts of sulfur.

They give a distinctive flavor to food. In addition, they release gases when they are cut or shredded. By mixing with bacteria, they cause strong breath, which can continue for hours after eating. As part of the digestive process, its by-products are absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the lungs, reinforcing bad breath.

Garlic is a food that causes bad breath

Dairy products 

Dairy products are rich in lysine, which is an amino acid that, when fermented by bacteria present in the mouth, generates residues known as putrescine and cadaverine . Their names are associated with the strong smell they produce.

Fast Fermenting Carbohydrates (FODMAP)

This acronym refers to a set of carbohydrates that are fermented by bacteria found in the intestine and in the mouth. When foods containing them are consumed in excess, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, intestinal and oral transit alterations are generated, which causes bad breath.

The following are examples of foods that are high in FODMAPs:

  • Cereals, especially those that are refined.
  • Vegetables.
  • Honey, sugar, some sweeteners and sweets.
  • Fruits, such as pear and plum.

Canned fish

In general, the smell that the fish emanates when it is rotten is very evident. It is associated with the appearance of biogenic amines. Although no one would consume a decomposing food, it happens that in its preserved state this process can continue, and with this, the probability of having halitosis increases.

Bad breath: how to avoid it if it is caused by food?

A logical option would be to avoid foods that are already known to cause bad breath, however, in this way we would not obtain the benefits that some of them bring us. Thus, in most cases, halitosis can be resolved with proper dental care and oral hygiene.

Using a toothbrush and floss

Much of the bacteria that cause bad breath live below the gum line and in plaque buildup on the teeth. Brushing and flossing after eating can help remove odor-causing bacteria in addition to food residue.

Man brushing his teeth


There is scientific evidence that mouthwashes that contain chlorine dioxide are effective for bad breath. This component helps remove plaque, bacteria that coat the tongue, and food particles.

Chew gum

It is a quick option when we are not at home or do not have other cleaning supplies on hand. It is preferable that it is sugar free. Chewing the gum for about five minutes is enough and it is not necessary to spread any longer.

Drinks with mint, ginger, or apple

Drinking mint or ginger water keeps your breath fresh. Likewise, it was found in a study published in the Journal of Food Science that raw apple helps to solve this problem, since it is capable of reducing the concentration of volatile compounds.

What to remember about foods that cause bad breath?

Having good oral hygiene after eating these foods is enough. Remember that in the case of garlic and onion, it is advisable to cook them to reduce the sulfur compounds. Also, do not forget that there are many ways to deal with bad breath and that you should consult your dentist regularly.

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