Irregularities In Menstruation, What Are They Due To?

Suffering irregularities in menstruation is something very common in the lives of women. Most of the time we go through periods of stress that can affect the normality of our cycles. That is why they are ahead, they are delayed …

The factors that determine the regularity of our cycles can be many and varied. For example, our nutrition (as this study points out) and our health are undoubtedly essential for its proper functioning.

Therefore, today we want to dedicate this space to menstruation irregularities so that you can understand what certain symptoms may be due to and how you can solve them with the help and advice of your doctor. Because remember: before any symptoms or alteration in your body, do not hesitate to make an appointment with the specialist. Is essential.

What are menstruation irregularities?

Surely on more than one occasion you have suffered and you have been scared. You do not get your period, you know you are not pregnant but, nevertheless, you do not feel the previous pain and the days go by without it appearing.

It can also happen that you suffer unpredictable bleeding or that, suddenly, you suffer more than any other month …

Menstruation pain

Normal menstrual cycles last between 21 and 35 days until the period appears. During the first five or six years it is normal for there to be irregularities.

But, later, as we mature, they usually regulate until we are 40 or 45 years old, the stage of our life in which menopause progressively appears.

Based on this reference, we can establish that irregularities are all those abnormal processes that we immediately identify due to pain and because menstruation does not appear or appears twice in a month … Let’s analyze the causes one by one.

Causes of rule irregularities

Delayed menstruation

The first thing we must do is rule out a pregnancy. Starting from there we will say that it is considered “amenorrhea” when three months have passed without menstruation.

But, most of the time this is associated with periods of stress. When we are very nervous, when we go through states of anxiety, when we suffer stress and, even, due to the death of someone close to us, it is common for our body to suffer.

Sometimes it is also due to poor nutrition, anorexia, taking certain drugs, and even obesity. Irregularities in the thyroid, or some other hormonal problem, can also determine that menstruation does not appear.

What I can do?

In addition to visiting the doctor, if you wish, you can follow some simple natural tips to help your body regulate itself:

  • Improve your diet : avoid fats, sweets, increase your consumption of liquids, fruit and vegetables.
  • Include fruits such as papaya : studies like this have proven effective in treating dysmenorrhea.
  • Fennel Infusions : Fennel is also used to relieve symptoms of dysmenorrhea. You can drink two small cups a day for two weeks. It may in this way be regulated.


When we talk about oligomenorrhea we refer to cases in which we have the period in widely spaced cycles, once every four months, or simply, very occasionally.

Sometimes, it is a particularity of women and, in others, it responds to the presence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), very common in states of oligomenarchy.

Premature ovarian failure

There are times when we are not even 45 years old and menstruation stops. We stop ovulating. Women with this problem may either stop having periods or have it very occasionally, and it is due to premature failure of the ovaries.

The consequences of stopping menstruation so early result in us suffering from osteoporosis, hence the need for complementary treatment with hormones.


Dysmenorrhea is one of the irregularities in menstruation that causes very painful periods. Women who suffer especially in their periods feel incapacitated by this suffering.

Although it is not a serious disease, it is annoying for daily life. Home remedies such as hot baths or the use of plants with analgesic properties may be helpful at those times of the month.


When we suffer pain before and after menstruation, and with long periods with great loss of blood, it may be an indicator of endometriosis.

It is basically due to the growth of abnormal tissues inside the woman’s uterus, which can cause infertility. It is a serious disease that requires treatment, hence the importance of going to your doctor when you sense any symptoms.

Uterine fibroids

They are, without a doubt, the most common non-cancerous tumors that women of childbearing age can suffer. The indicators of uterine fibroids can be very varied: very abundant periods, bleeding between cycles …

Sometimes medications can stop their growth, and other times surgery is required to remove them.

With all this, it is essential to attend to any of these irregularities in menstruation that can alert us to these types of problems that, on occasions, we can solve.

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