Incredible Benefits That Broccoli Has For Your Health

Among the many benefits of broccoli, its contribution of iron and potassium stands out, which help us fight anemia and avoid joint pain, respectively

Loved by some, hated by others … Broccoli is a “tree” shaped vegetable of the cruciferous family (also made up of cabbages).

It grows abundantly and its dark green color attracts attention, as does its shape or its thick inedible stem.

In this article we will tell you more about the delicious broccoli or broccoli, a great ally for your health.

What does broccoli give us?

alkaline foods broccoli

Broccoli is a species that grows in cool climates and thrives in hot summers, it is eaten boiled or steamed (although more and more people choose to enjoy it raw) and its flavor is similar to that of cauliflower.

The main broccoli producers are China, India, the United States, Spain and Italy.

The nutrients that delicious broccoli gives us are varied. Among them we can highlight those that appear in the highest proportion: vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium.

It also has a considerable dose of dietary fiber, selenium and lutein. It noted for its rich in folic acid, iron and vitamin A.

Therefore we are facing a powerful food that cannot be missing in our diet and especially in that of our children.

Broccoli: the food-medicine

We already know that many vegetables and fruits are used as home remedies thanks to their components and nutrients.

In the case of broccoli we must highlight it, since there are many properties it has and the benefits that we can enjoy when consuming it.

Thanks to its phytochemicals we can affirm that broccoli is used to:

Prevent cancer

Glucosinolates are responsible for keeping cancer cells at bay. Sinigrin is another of the nutrients in broccoli that serves this purpose: it “stimulates” the natural death of precancerous tumor cells in the stomach and intestine.

They also serve to decrease cancer of:

  • Larynx
  • Lung or mouth in smokers
  • Breast in women
  • Prostate in men

As if it were not enough, this vegetable prevents liver cancer.

Improve heart health

The folic acid provided by broccoli is of vital importance because it allows not only to properly absorb iron and prevent malformations in fetuses, but also prevents heart disease.

By reducing homocysteine ​​levels, the folic acid present in broccoli prevents heart attacks, arrhythmias and atherosclerosis. It is also advisable in people with hypertension.

Reduce anemia

What-is-the-right-way-to-eat-broccoli-to-take advantage-of-its-nutrients

Broccoli is one of the foods that provides us with the most iron and, therefore, is perfect for anemic patients.

Of course, it also prevents this condition and is recommended for people prone to it, such as:

  • Pregnant
  • Women with heavy menstrual periods
  • People who bleed a lot from the nose
  • Nursing mothers

Promote digestion

The B vitamins in broccoli are used to create enzymes such as pepsin that promote digestion of food.

If you suffer from flatulence or have problems with your intestinal flora, we recommend that you eat this rich vegetable at least once a week.

Thanks to its fiber content, this vegetable favors intestinal transit, eliminates toxins from the intestine through feces and provides a good feeling of satiety.

Thus, it is ideal for those who have food cravings or are dieting to lose weight.

Treat depression and nerves

When we finish consuming broccoli we not only have a feeling of satiety, but also of good humor and well-being. This is because it helps produce dopamine, which is responsible for reducing nervousness, stress, and depression.

For their part, the magnesium and calcium in this vegetable:

  • They regulate sleep cycles and prevent insomnia.
  • They relax the nerves and muscles.
  • Regulates the heartbeat.
  • Increase energies.

Eating broccoli is synonymous with vitality and happiness.

Avoid fluid retention

Everything is thanks to its contribution of potassium, which counteracts the sodium accumulated in the body by consuming a lot of salt. If you have edema, hypertension or obesity, do not hesitate to add it to your meals.

Reduce joint pain


Broccoli can remove serous accumulations from the joints due to the potassium and glutathione it contains. It is a perfect food for people with arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Improve our external appearance

The antioxidant properties of this cruciferous plant allow us to detoxify the body and look more beautiful and youthful.

It has the ability to stimulate liver activity and purify the blood (which then results in a healthier complexion), to prevent hair loss and reduce skin problems (acne, dryness, blemishes, wrinkles).

Regulate the thyroid gland

Steamed broccoli

The whole family of brassicaceae, including broccoli, can reduce the production of thyroid hormone, and therefore it is recommended in people with hyperthyroidism.

It is not indicated in patients with hypothyroidism, as it can drop hormone levels too low and cause problems.

In order to enjoy all the benefits of broccoli, you can choose to steam it for 3 to 5 minutes so that it does not lose its phytochemicals and nutrients (many of them die from high temperatures when boiling) and then sauté it with olive oil and garlic.

A delicious and very nutritious option!

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