Importance Of Cinnamon In The Treatment Of Diabetes

Cinnamon can be an ideal complement with which to combine our medical treatment when controlling diabetes.

Cinnamon is a spice with many health properties. Among them, the one to control diabetes in a progressive and natural way stands out, as suggested by this study by the Istanbul Medipol University Institute of Health Sciences.

However, for the treatment to be effective we must follow the guidelines that we indicate in this article. Also, consult with your specialist before carrying them out. Discover this home remedy based on cinnamon to promote diabetes control in a few weeks.

Can diabetes be controlled?

According to doctors, this pathology that affects blood glucose levels has no cure. However, they also state that you can see an improvement and control diabetes if we take into account three factors:

  • A strict diet.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • The right medications or supplements.

This study from the University of California-Davis, like the one in the first paragraph, also confirms the effectiveness of cinnamon in controlling blood glucose, important for the control of type 2 diabetes.

Virtues of cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice with a sweet and aromatic flavor, excellent to accompany any type of stew. However, its most common use is in sweet recipes such as cakes, cakes and cookies. Cinnamon has many health properties:

  • Improves circulation, as stated by the Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
  • Thanks to the previous point, it prevents the appearance of varicose veins.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, according to this study from the MS Ramaiah Medical College (India).
  • It is antibacterial and antifungal. This is assured by this research from the Baqiyatallah University (Iran).
  • Stimulates the digestive system.

Ground cinnamon

What types of cinnamon are there?

There are different types of cinnamon. However, the sweetest is the Ceylon variety ( Cinnamomum Zeylanicum ), which is the one we will use for this remedy. It is native to southern India and Sri Lanka.

The cinnamon that we can find more easily and at a cheaper price is Chinese or cassia , but it is of a lower quality.

Sweeten with stevia

To sweeten this remedy we will use stevia, a plant native to Paraguay that, in addition to providing a great natural sweetness, superior to sugar, will also help us regulate blood glucose levels. 

What kind of stevia?

We can find pure or refined stevia, in different formats (powder, liquid, tablets, etc.). To benefit from its medicinal properties, we must consume pure stevia, leaf or extract. It is dark in color and has a taste similar to liquorice.

Stevia leaves in a spoon

To cook or sweeten desserts we will use refined stevia, which has a much more discreet taste and, although it is not medicinal, it does not have harmful effects like sugar or other artificial sweeteners.

Natural remedy


Every day we will need the following ingredients to prepare this remedy:

  • One teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon powder.
  • Two tablespoons of dry stevia leaf (20 g).
  • 1 liter of water (4 cups).


  • In the morning, we will bring the water to a boil and, when it comes to a boil, we will add the cinnamon powder and the stevia leaves.
  • We will turn off the heat, cover the casserole and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • If instead of cinnamon powder we opt for cinnamon stick, we will let it infuse for 15 minutes.

How do we take it?

To take advantage of all the benefits of this remedy, we will distribute it for several doses throughout the day:

  • 1 glass on an empty stomach (200 ml).
  • 2 glasses throughout the morning, separated from meals (400 ml).
  • 2 glasses in the afternoon, before dinner (400 ml).

Other tips

If we want to obtain the maximum benefits, it is convenient that we take into account a series of factors:

  • We will avoid the consumption of sugar and sugary foods.
  • We will control the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates (bread, pizza, pastries, chips, etc.).
  • We will eat several meals throughout the day, in moderate quantities.
  • We can take a nutritional or brewer’s yeast supplement.

Likewise, we recommend that you include the following ingredients in your diet, which are very beneficial to help us with diabetes:

  • The pea, which acts as a vegetable insulin.
  • Watercress is a vegetable rich in chromium, which also helps us regulate glucose levels.
  • Oatmeal, which avoids sugar spikes.

If we suffer from diabetes we must always be under the control of a specialist doctor and not carry out any treatment on our own. It is important not to neglect the medical treatment of diabetes for any alternative treatment not advised by the doctors themselves.

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