How To Overcome The Fear Of Water And Improve Your Swimming Technique

Overcoming the fear of water is one of the first steps in learning to swim. Although many people adapt easily to the swimming pool environment, others feel a deep phobia that can become an obstacle to mastering the different swimming techniques.

This problem is quite common and usually has its origin in a past trauma or in the fears that parents transmit during childhood. In fact, it is common in children, especially when they are denied the possibility of swimming or having fun in the water early.

However, regardless of age, there are some strategies that allow you to face this fear to begin to enjoy the benefits of swimming. While it takes willpower, with support and perseverance it can be overcome. Cheer up!

Basic exercises to overcome the fear of water

The treatments to overcome the fear of water can vary in each case, depending on its origin. Sometimes it is necessary to go to psychological therapy, since possible past trauma must be recognized and addressed.

One of the first steps to overcome the fear of being in environments like the pool is to make a gradual approach to it. Previously, it is convenient to strengthen self-confidence to avoid feelings of anguish and stress when having contact with water.

The exercises that we share below are a basic way to face the fear situation through several phases. They are recommended for those who have not been able to learn to swim due to the anxiety generated by being in the water.

Exercises to overcome the fear of water: Adaptation exercise

In the first exercise to overcome the fear of water you will have the objective of achieving a better adaptation of the body to the pool. Considering that the process should be gradual to avoid anxiety, you will have to sit on the edge, submerging only your legs.

Later, when you are used to the feeling of having your legs inside, the next step is to gradually enter the section of the shallow pool. For that you can help yourself with the pool ladder or the railing.

Finally, gradually lower your arms and head under the water. Try to be as relaxed as possible so you don’t feel that choking sensation. In this way, you will begin to understand that there is nothing to fear from being in this environment.

Safety exercise

Increasing safety when in the pool is essential to face and overcome hydrophobia. Because of this, in this exercise you will have to focus on mastering self-control when submerged.

The best way to do this is by learning to float. You will have to enter a small or shallow pool, in which you can stand up without difficulty. Then, when you get more confident, you can repeat the exercise in a larger pool.

Knowledge exercise

Overcome the fear of water

After overcoming the anxiety when being inside the pool, the best complement to overcome the fear of water is to attend swimming lessons. With the help of a trained trainer, you can learn various techniques for swimming, breathing, and handling emergencies.

The knowledge of swimming will allow you to know and master the appropriate elements to feel comfortable in the water. In addition, it is the final step to relate this environment with fun and well-being.

Tips to improve your swimming technique

Mastering a swimming technique requires patience and discipline. However, if you want to start improving it from the first practices, you can take into account a few simple tips:

  • Start by doing two workouts a week.
  • When you feel more comfortable swimming, do four to five workouts a week. No more.
  • Avoid overloading your body with strenuous exercise. Keep in mind that you must adapt the routine to your physical capacity and needs.
  • When swimming in front crawl or backstroke, keep your head steady. The body is the one that must rotate on the hip.
  • Try to swim every 50 meters with fewer strokes than usual.
  • Accelerate your hand into the water for better momentum.
  • Maintain your own breathing rate. Although there are many methods to apply while swimming, you can keep the one that makes you feel comfortable. The idea is to breathe at least every three strokes.

Still not doing anything to overcome the fear of water? Stop getting frustrated by not trying to get over it. Follow the recommendations given and consult with a professional coach to learn to master swimming techniques. And remember that you can always consult with a psychologist about how to overcome your fear.

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