How To Eat Well If I Want To Give Up Meat

Being vegetarian, as well as being vegan, are social trends that are based on leaving meat on the basis of certain reasons such as animal abuse, or health issues. Both trends are increasingly encouraged. Nutrition experts have suggested that a balanced diet should include foods from all groups. That is, the healthy thing is to eat in a varied way in the necessary and recommended amounts.

If you have neglected any food, such as meat, you must do so taking into account some aspects so that the body does not suffer. Otherwise, certain deficits of nutrients could occur, which condition the appearance of certain pathologies. We tell you how to eat well without including meat in your diet.

Do we eat a lot of meat?

According to the ANIBES study carried out by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, approximately 2% of the population in Spain has stopped eating meat on a daily basis.

Similarly, this study refers to the fact that 12% of the population of this country does not eat processed meat. It is worth mentioning that vegan people, that is, those who do not eat meat or fish, correspond to 1% of the Spanish population.

On the other hand, the results of another study have been published that show a reduction in the Spanish population that consumes red meat ; 43% of Spaniards reduced their consumption.

So that leaving the meat does not have consequences for your health, you can follow these tips. In any case, you should know that as each person is different and has different nutritional needs, it is recommended in all cases that you make a gradual change, together with a professional who can guide and accompany you in this process.


Eat other proteins

First of all, it is important to keep in mind that you should continue to consume proteins that come from other foods. For example, if you are not vegan, eggs can be a protein food with healthy fats that can replace other food of animal origin.

The most recommended are 4 eggs per week, or 2 whites per day. If you have the option, it is always best to choose organic eggs, from chickens that have not been abused.

Besides eggs, there are also a number of other foods that can provide a good protein base. However, never stop going to a specialist to recommend a suitable diet for you.

Remember that experts recommend ingesting at least 0.8 g of protein / kg weight / day, although currently they even advise significantly increasing this figure. In the case of not meeting these requirements, the destruction of muscle mass could be increased.

Some of these foods are:

  • Vegetables.
  • Nuts.
  • Cereals.
  • Seeds.

A relevant fact to take into account is that when we combine cereals with legume proteins, we can obtain better quality proteins. A well-known example is lentils combined with rice. The quality and quantity of proteins is higher than if we combined them with chorizo.

Eat more dairy

When reducing meat consumption, it is essential to guarantee the supply of dairy products. These contain high-quality protein and vitamins. But this is not all.

Dairy products from fermentation have in their composition probiotics, live bacteria capable of improving gastrointestinal function. According to research published in the journal American Family Physician , regular consumption of these microorganisms is capable of reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders. Even specialists claim that probiotics can improve other systemic functions, in addition to reducing inflammation.

Beneficial foods for hyperthyroidism

Take care of the consumption of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an acute soluble vitamin that plays essential roles in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and DNA production.

In the event that you have decided to leave meat, it is likely that despite the fact that this vitamin can be stored in an equivalent amount for many years, you may have a deficit. For this reason, it is important that you have its levels controlled and that you consume foods that provide it such as eggs, dairy products and spirulina, for example.

What are the reasons for giving up meat?

Four years ago, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a body dependent on the WHO, warned about the possible consequences that the high consumption of processed meat could have on health.

Mainly, they warned that excessive consumption could be related to colorectal cancer. The conclusions were not so clear regarding the consumption of red meat, but it was also associated with a probable risk in the appearance of certain diseases.

In addition to health, many people decide to give up meat due to animal abuse in the food industry, as well as the loss of forest areas on the planet to use as grazing.

You can eliminate meat from the diet, but not protein

If you want to give up meat, you have to make sure that all nutritional needs are covered with your new eating guidelines . To do this, we recommend that you go to a specialist and that they guide you in eating habits.

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