Going Back To The Simple: The Key To Not Complicate Your Life

To enjoy our day to day, it is enough to go back to the simple and learn to give little things the value they deserve

Do you complicate your life too much? Do you think that, in itself, is complicated? That’s because you don’t know how to go back to simplicity. Sometimes we see problems where there are none, closed doors when there are many open … In short, life is simpler than it seems, it is human beings who make it difficult.

Have you tried to simplify, not wanting anything beyond your possibilities and not comparing yourself? Going back to simple is getting away from everything that doesn’t let us be happy. Do not overcomplicate with things that are not going to satisfy us. Would you like to live in better harmony and much calmer? Then stay with us until the end.

The Zen tale that tells us about simplicity

go back to simple

The story that we present below illustrates in a simple way how to go back to simplicity and makes it clear how we tend to complicate things.

Hung had attained enlightenment, but, like all enlightened ones, he spoke very little about it. His disciples constantly asked him about his experience. 

However, the only thing Hung told them is that when he enlightened he felt like a fool. The disciples couldn’t believe it and asked him why. Hung’s answer left them speechless:

“I have spent many years of my life climbing a very high wall.” I have fallen and started over hundreds of times.

I have hurt my hands and feet, until finally I managed to climb to the top. When I arrived, I injured my hands by breaking a glass to enter the tower of illumination …

The disciples didn’t understand anything. What Hung was telling them puzzled them. Was the effort made worthless? Didn’t it mean anything to get to that tower, since it made you feel like a fool?

Hung, before the disciples asked him anything else, spoke again:

“When I was inside the light tower I realized that the door had always been open. “

This Zen tale can enlighten us about our blindness to see the simplicity of life and strive to make easy something difficult. The question is: how to stop complicating life and go back to simplicity?

Steps to get back to the simplicity of life

To return to how simple life is, it is necessary to unlearn some behaviors or ways of behavior that, without a doubt, make everything more difficult.

Enjoy the little things

We complicate our lives looking for more possessions, wealth and more material benefits that guarantee us a happiness that never seems to come. Wouldn’t it be smarter to enjoy the little things? That sunset, the caress of the person you love, the hug of a brother whom you haven’t seen in years … Going back to simplicity is not that complicated.

Rescue old forgotten customs

go back to simple

In a city it is quite difficult, but if you are in a town or a village, why not say hello to everyone you come across? This was an unwritten rule that made you feel great. Greet someone you don’t know, but who returns your greeting, perhaps with a smile of gratitude that makes your day.

Also, you can welcome a new neighbor in the neighborhood or another old habit that encourages contact with people you do not know. Well, in the society in which we live, we have learned to ignore others. Maybe that’s why, sometimes, we feel so alone …

Keep gossip away

Going back to simplicity means keeping gossip away, which is often not as true as it appears to be. It is also important to know how to get away from all the toxic people that may be around us. Energy thieves who just want to manipulate or deceive us to make a profit.

Do not think so much about things

This is a symptom of people who suffer from anxiety and that causes them to not be able to make a decision with confidence. One way to get back to simplicity is by being aware of all those thoughts that sink into a never ending circle. They go round and round, but they never find their way out.

It is necessary to learn to let them go, so that they continue their course and we will not cling to them. Otherwise, we will already be complicating our lives. Now that you know how to go back to simplicity, it is important that you introduce these and many other steps that you can think of to stop complicating your life. Everything is much easier than it seems.

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