Ginger For Nausea

Ginger is a food that can be used in many ways in the kitchen: fresh, dry, powdered, crystallized, preserved, crystallized, and so on. Now, it is true that the most advisable thing would be to take advantage of it fresh. Especially if the goal is to eliminate nausea. 

Nausea is defined as the “feeling of illness or discomfort in the stomach that may appear with an urgent need to vomit.” They can be caused by a variety of reasons, from the consumption of a type of medicine to a trip through a road with many curves. Therefore, its duration can also vary.

Simply put, nausea is normally what you feel before vomiting happens. And it is important to note that they do not always end up in vomit, despite the fact that this is believed at the time.

The most common causes of nausea are gastritis, anxiety, and pregnancy. Other times it happens as a result of the intense dizziness that usually occurs on long trips.

Ginger for nausea: scientific evidence

Ginger allergy: how to recognize it?

The reason why ginger would be good for nausea lies in two substances present in its composition. Specifically, in gingerols and shogaols. 

  • Gingerols (main components of the fresh ginger rhizome).
  • Shogaols (main components of dried ginger).

According to experts, its antiemetic properties (that is, they can prevent nausea or vomiting) are thanks to an effect that it produces within the gastrointestinal tract, where it increases gastric tone and motility and, in turn, favors gastric emptying due to to anticholinergic and antiserotonergic actions.

Ways to take it

The feeling of wanting to vomit, being weak and generally feeling sick is very unpleasant. Sometimes, we can resort to the consumption of certain foods, such as ginger, to alleviate this discomfort.

Let’s see what are the different ways we can take it.

1. Raw ginger

Ginger is one of the plants most used to treat any type of stomach infection, except for those that prevent ulcers or infectious gastritis. One of the most useful and simple ways to consume it is raw.

2. Candied ginger

Candied ginger is fairly easy to come by and can be helpful in making nausea go away. In health food stores or pharmacies, you can surely buy it and keep it at home, to take it with you wherever you want.

3. Infused ginger

The best and most common way to use ginger for nausea is as an infusion. It is prepared with just a little of the fresh root and, if you wish, you can add a touch of orange or lemon juice.

In this way, it is impossible for you to have any kind of side effect in your body if you are pregnant or suffer from some other pathology.

  • If you are going to travel and you think the journey may make you nauseous, a good trick is to prepare an infusion of fresh ginger and have it on hand to drink before leaving.

4. Ginger with lemon

Applying a small variation and an additional ingredient to the previous remedy, this will also be very useful for any time when nausea occurs. Combine the ginger with the lemon and you can have an even more powerful treatment for this condition.

5. Grated ginger


You can also take advantage of ginger by using it as a condiment when preparing different meals. Thus,  the taste of your food will be different and you will take care of your health  at the same time.

Although ginger has beneficial health properties, it is important to keep in mind that it is not a cure for any disease. Nor should it be taken as a substitute for treatment prescribed by the doctor. Therefore, it should always be included in a healthy lifestyle.

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