Foods That You Should Not Eat During Menstruation

Although in those days we crave fatty foods and sugary foods, it is important to overcome the temptation and opt for fruits and vegetables so that the pain and cramps are less.

All women know that, on those days of the month, hormones are revolutionized and bring many consequences not only physical, but also emotional. But did you know that there are certain foods that you should not eat during menstruation?

During menstruation it is vital to maintain a balanced diet and avoid certain foods that can aggravate discomfort. Despite the fact that they call us sweets, as this study points out, and more “fatty” foods.

In this article we tell you what are the foods that you should not eat during menstruation so that on these days of the month you can feel much better.

Taking care of yourself before and during menstruation

During the days before menstruation, it seems that chocolates and all “less healthy” foods appeal to us more. This is not good for our health and can make what we know as premenstrual syndrome worse.

Feeling irritability, physical fatigue, a bloated belly, and mood swings are completely normal. But, it can get worse if we eat the wrong way.

Although it can be very difficult to resist the temptation to eat sweets, we will appreciate it in the end. Not buying any chocolate or going out for it and making sure there is enough fruit at home can be a big step.

Woman with menstrual pain

What foods should you not eat during menstruation?

There is no prohibited food. However, it would be good if we reduced its consumption during the menstrual period. An example that we can bring to the table is the one presented by this study, which, through the application of instruments, determined that some women stopped consuming some types of food, while others rather consumed foods high in sugar and fats. 

Next, we show some foods that are recommended not to eat during menstruation, as well as some small suggestions on how to substitute them.

Complex carbohydrates

It is almost impossible to cut down on complete carbohydrates like sugar, but if you try to do it you can tell the difference. How can you substitute this type of food? Choose those that are whole or integrate a lot of fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Processed foods

Processed foods are not usually positioned at the top of the list as “the best” for our health. Its consumption, in general, tends to cause problems such as abdominal bloating or fluid retention.

To avoid this causing you more discomfort during your period, it would be good to try to avoid canned foods, cold cuts, and cheeses.


Drink coffee

Coffee is a drink that we believe is good for us because it revives us after a tiring day at work or gives us warmth when it’s cold.

However, it also has the ability to make us more nervous and irritable. Just what happens when you have your period.

In addition, it  causes intestinal and abdominal inflammation, irritates the stomach, and makes you sleepless. Instead of caffeine (which is also present in soda), opt for a herbal tea.


Potatoes, pizzas, hamburgers … are foods that you should not eat during menstruation. Fried oil increases estrogen levels that cause major changes in the uterus, as well as aches and pains and cramps.

Nor should you consume fats (neither of animal origin nor of vegetable origin).


If you are one of the people who add a lot of salt to meals, avoid that bad habit. Not just when you’re on your period, but at any time of the month. It may be very difficult to eliminate sodium completely, but you can do it little by little.

This will reduce inflammation and fluid retention. Pay attention because many foods you buy in the market are full of salt without you noticing.

Refined sugars


The pastries, pastries and sweets are quite harmful to health. They make you feel grumpy after eating them (like a kind of withdrawal) and all your activities cost you much more because you lack energy.

During menstruation, avoid eating white sugar and opt for healthier alternatives such as muscovado sugar or stevia . Keep your glucose levels stable by making small intakes of sweet foods (fruits, nuts, cereals …).

Foods with a lot of magnesium

Chickpeas and beans cause bloating and, in addition, they digest very slowly, something that is not beneficial during the menstrual period.

In turn, they can cause stomach cramps or spasms. As if that were not enough, you will lack strength and you will feel lethargic for several hours after ingestion.

Red meat

The last of the foods that you should not eat during menstruation are red meats as they increase fluid retention and give a feeling of heaviness, especially if they are cut with fat.

The best choice? Opt for chicken or fish and a lighter cooking such as steamed or baked, but never fried.

What foods can I eat when I am menstruating?

Now that you know the foods that you should not eat during menstruation, which are the most recommended? Here we leave you some options.

Natural diuretics


Fruits and vegetables help reduce fluid retention and make you feel lighter. Some of those recommended are:

  • Lettuce.
  • Pear.
  • Pineapple.
  • Watermelon.
  • Papaya.
  • Melon.
  • Jellies.

Blue fish

Salmon and sardines are highly recommended. They have a large amount of Omega 3 fatty acids that bring many benefits, including taking care of cardiovascular health and relieving menstrual cramps.

Women who eat fish during their period will have less discomfort in the lower abdomen. It would also be good if you ingest it before to treat PMS.


It allows to reduce the retention of liquids and, in addition, regulates the natural rhythms of the body.

This will allow you to enjoy a perfect rest at night. Eating banana helps relieve pain and prevent cramps.



It is a great source of fibers that reduce puffiness. Broccoli also provides vitamins A, B, C, and E, potassium, and calcium.

All these nutrients help control the typical discomforts that arise during menstruation. In addition, it serves to eliminate fatigue and tiredness.


This cereal is rich in protein and fiber. In addition, it has simple carbohydrates that regulate mood swings and stimulate energy.

Now that you know the foods that you should not eat during menstruation, we encourage you to include those that will make you feel much better. Do you dare to discover if there is a difference?

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