End Constipation With These 5 Morning Habits

Ending constipation may seem like a daunting task, but these simple morning habits will make it easier for you. If you have not been able to go to the bathroom with the usual normality for more than 72 hours, do not hesitate to put into practice the following natural tips that can bring us such good results.

The problem of constipation is very common in women. Factors such as stress, incorrect diet or even hormonal changes determine this annoying condition that, at times, can become chronic.

It is important to bear in mind that not being able to evacuate normally for several days or weeks can lead to more serious problems. Toxin-filled and clogged intestines affect our overall health.

It is not just anything. Therefore, never hesitate to consult a good professional when your constipation lasts longer . In case it is something specific, make changes in your diet and in your lifestyle.

Before resorting to self-medication, it is worth introducing these 5 routines into your day-to-day life. Now, far from being something temporary to combat constipation, it should be something common. In this way we gain in health and general well-being. They are worth putting into practice.

1. Warm water with lemon juice for constipation

Drink warm water with lemon for constipation

For 4 or 5 days a week, your body will appreciate starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water. The benefits that we obtain with this simple gesture is something that we must take into account:

  • Warm water – never hot – stimulates intestinal transit.
  • Helps eliminate toxins stored in the colon.
  • The warm lemon water acts almost like an enema, dissolving the stool so that we can eliminate it more quickly.
  • This natural remedy will improve your digestion and relieve discomfort related to constipation.

2. A tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of lemon

Between two or three days a week (the days when you don’t drink the glass of warm lemon water) you can opt for something simpler. This tablespoon of olive oil with a little lemon juice is one of the best remedies for constipation.

Extra virgin olive oil acts as a wonderful natural laxative. Combined with a few drops of lemon it becomes a great detoxifier.

It is important that we consume this tablespoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach and on an empty stomach. It is enough to combine a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (16 g) with a teaspoon of lemon juice (5 ml).

3. Take a walk for 20 minutes

To walk

If you have time and your schedule allows it, it is recommended that you go for a walk for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. In addition to taking advantage of the best time of the day, we managed to start our body’s metabolism.

Aerobic exercise, in addition to taking care of our heart, activates the intestines and their mobility. All this reverts in a very beneficial way to our general health.

Now, you will not notice the effects on the same day. It will be, possibly, after two or three days when your body will return to be regular and thus avoid constipation. Make the habit of walking first thing in the day a habit. You will gain in physical and mental health.

4. Papaya, banana and flaxseed smoothie for constipation

How to make this papaya and oatmeal smoothie


  • 1 cup of papaya (200 g)
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed (20 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • You can prepare this delicious smoothie two or three times a week. It will help you regulate intestinal transit and also give you great energy to start the day.
  • The first thing we’ll do is get that cup of papaya. We cut it into pieces and take it to the blender.
  • Next, we do the same with the banana: we peel it and cut it into three parts to facilitate blending.
  • Once in the blender, you just need to add the glass of water, the two tablespoons of ground flaxseed and the honey.
  • Beat well for a few seconds and serve.

Take this smoothie with your breakfast and you will see how, little by little, you go to the calmer bathroom and you gain in well-being.

5. Maintain the same routines and go to the bathroom at the same time

It may seem silly to many people, but our body needs routines. So much so that something as simple as going to the bathroom half an hour after having breakfast can work miracles.

  • It is possible that the first and second days your intestine does not obey you, but the following days our body will have already regulated.
  • If we have had hot water, a good breakfast rich in fiber and, in addition, we have walked, little by little the constipation will disappear by itself.
  • Now, we know that maintaining the same routines is not always easy. Work, rush, children … All these obligations mean that, sometimes, we do not have time or privacy to go to the bathroom and spend a little more time.

However, remember: a regular body needs healthy habits, less stress and good nutrition. It’s a matter of making small changes and prioritizing a little more.

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