Does Time Heal Everything?

How many times have you been told that time heals everything? Whenever we go through a couple breakdown or any other situation in a relationship that literally breaks us, this will cause a very difficult period that we must overcome.

But do we do it in the best way? Do we leave it up to “fate” to heal ourselves from all that pain? Time is necessary to heal ourselves, but it does not cure everything if we do not make an effort. The responsibility to heal is ours, not time.

Pain needs its own time

It would be irrational to think that we can solve and heal a wound in a certain time or very quickly. This is not like this. Furthermore, we cannot predict how long that “healing” period will last.

Given all this, there is something we can never do, and that is to live in the past and leave that wound open forever. This can cause us to continue to suffer, so the first thing is to heal the wound well and then give it time to heal.

There will be many people around you who will suggest that you get distracted, do new things, go out with your friends … This may be very positive, but it is not recommended that you use it as the solution to your problem.

This distraction will be a momentary balm, but sooner or later the pain will return again.

Give your pain time. It may take a month, perhaps more months, and sometimes you will have to give it a year. It all depends on the origin of that pain. But don’t be in a hurry. When everything is fine again, when you have healed, you will know it and you will look at that scar without feeling anything.

Don’t cross your arms in time: take control

Although time is necessary, there is something we can never do: fold our arms. There are many people who leave the solution to this problem in the hands of “destiny”, or let time be the one to heal their wounds.


That does not work like that. You must take control of your life and strive to help in this healing process. Time, by itself, does not have that much power to take full responsibility for what is happening to you. You must also do your part.

How can you take control? What should you do? Here are some important tips for you to take charge of your life again.

Let go of the past

The past is there to remind us of those experiences that have made us learn, everything that we have lived, but that has already been left behind.

Now is the time to stop living in that past. You must let go of it and move on. Focus on your present, because now is what matters.

Seek help

We are strong, that is clear, but in many cases it is best to seek help. Lean on all those people you trust, who can help you move forward, to see life with a new perspective.

May you never be ashamed to ask for help, because there are many people willing to reach out to you.

Be optimistic

You must open your mind and view life with optimism. You have been through a very difficult period, but this does not mean that it is the end of the world. We get over everything, sooner or later, so put a smile on your face and keep going! Life is beautiful, live it!

Forgive and forgive yourself

There is something that costs us much more than forgiving others, and that is forgiving ourselves. Believe it or not, it is essential and important to overcome any difficulty. Something that will allow us to leave the past behind and move on.

Do not live with resentment, as this will cause your wound not to close.

Have you ever left in the hands of time a responsibility that was only yours? Pain is something that we must heal ourselves. It is true that time helps, but it helps to heal, not to heal.

Be brave and take control. Life is beautiful, even if you don’t see it now. Live and be happy, because you deserve it.

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