Delicious Natural Drink To Regulate The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is a small organ, but it performs very important functions in the body. It does not participate in just a couple of basic functions, but participates in multiple processes. It is located in the neck, just below the nut and is shaped like a butterfly.

It is essential to regulate body temperature and metabolism, for growth, to regulate the heart rate and the development of the skin and nervous system, to regulate the correct assimilation of nutrients, and so on.

People can suffer from thyroid problems (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), due to various factors. And while many are diagnosed early, others may spend a long time in their lives not knowing they have a health problem.

Silvia Wengrowicz, secretary of the Thyroid knowledge area of ​​the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN), comments that it is convenient for people who notice symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (neck swelling, bulging eyes, with or without ocular discomfort, visual disturbances, among others) thyroid function is checked.

Could the thyroid gland be regulated with a drink?

Woman with thyroid problem

Depending on the alteration of the thyroid, the treatment will be one or the other. Thus, the treatment for hypothyroidism will not be the same as that for hyperthyroidism.

Now, it is clear that maintaining good lifestyle habits while following the doctor’s instructions can be very beneficial for health.

Diet plays an important role in caring for the thyroid. Therefore, it is necessary to review and try to improve eating habits as much as possible.

At this point it is worth clarifying that it is not possible to treat thyroid problems with the intake of a specific drink, even when it is natural and rich in various nutrients.

There is no evidence that there is any drink capable of providing such benefits and, for now, all the evidence indicates that the most effective thing is to improve all lifestyle habits, maintain them and at the same time follow the doctor’s instructions.

Thyroid drink recipe

The next drink that we propose is a supplement to the diet, not a remedy or a cure as such. In it, we include several foods with properties that can benefit you, but you must bear in mind that some of them may be contraindicated in some cases, such as ginger, for example.

It is advisable to prepare the drink with fresh ingredients, since it is considered that this way their contributions can be better used.

blueberries to regulate the thyroid gland


  • The juice of 1 lemon.
  • 2 glasses of water (500 ml).
  • Cinnamon (2 g) ½ tsp.
  • A pinch of nutmeg.
  • ½ cup of cranberries (100 g).
  • ½ teaspoon of grated ginger root (2.5 g).


  • Wash and drain the blueberries well.
  • If in your case it is not contraindicated, grate the ginger root.
  • Now, proceed to squeeze the lemon juice.
  • In the blender, place all the ingredients: the cranberries, the lemon juice, a glass of water and the spices.
  • Process everything until homogenized.
  • Serve and consume in moderation. 

The drink is a complement, not a treatment as such

In no case, this drink is not able (by itself) to regulate the thyroid gland or heal it when it suffers some type of alteration. It is simply a supplement that can be used, within a balanced diet, as long as the doctor authorizes it.

It is not necessary to substitute any food for this drink or take any other type of drastic measure to improve health. Following the doctor’s instructions and maintaining good lifestyle habits is enough.

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