Ascorbic Acid: Uses And Benefits

Ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, is a compound with a great antioxidant capacity. That is, it is a substance with the ability to delay or prevent the oxidation of other cells.

Oxidative stress is thought to contribute to the development of a wide range of diseases. In many cases, it is not clear if oxidants trigger the disease, or if they occur as a consequence of it.

Either way, it is very important that we have the antioxidant system in correct condition for the proper functioning of the body and to prevent possible disorders.

The consumption of ascorbic acid has also been associated with the formation of a protective shield against infections and viruses. In addition, it is a very effective adjuvant in the absorption of iron and the strengthening of the bone system.

Ascorbic Acid Physical Aspects

Fruit for dessert

Ascorbic acid is an element that is found free in nature, especially in the sugar of fruits, vegetables and, to a lesser degree, in proteins. It has an appearance, when isolated, as yellowish powder or crystals. It is colorless, odorless, solid and soluble.

It is an essential antioxidant vitamin, whose pH is 2.1 to 2.6. Therefore, as the name suggests, it is an acidic substance. Its acidic character comes from its acidic hydrogen content. As we have said, it is soluble in water, as is its commercial presentation as vitamin C.

What is ascorbic acid used for?

This substance is used in different industries. Therefore, the applications it presents are different according to the objectives of these companies. In this sense we distinguish:

Cosmetic industry

As we have discussed, ascorbic acid is a great antioxidant. This property is very useful when making cosmetic products in order to stimulate the activity of the regenerative enzymes of the tissues and that produce collagen in the skin.

Along with vitamin E, it is one of the essential components in anti-aging beauty products, among others.

Food industry

This substance is present, in its natural form, in many foods and is a fundamental nutrient for good health and fitness. Even so, many people do not consume the necessary amounts to cover the minimum needs of this nutrient.

For this reason, food manufacturers and beverage packaging companies introduce this compound and its mineral salts to strengthen the antioxidant capacity of food.

Pharmaceutical industry

The members of this industry use ascorbic acid to make different pharmaceutical forms or to make vitamin C tablets. Since the discovery of this vitamin in 1932, it has been used as a nutritional supplement and reinforcement for certain biochemical processes in the body.

These supplements are usually necessary in people who do not ingest the necessary amount, since the body is not able to synthesize it on its own.

Ascorbic acid benefits

Ascorbic acid

The benefits of this nutrient are closely related to the use we make of it. In this sense, it is essential for skin care. Its effects can be noticed almost immediately due to its antioxidant content. In this way, it delays the aging of the skin.

In addition, it also stimulates the production of natural collagen, which improves the appearance of the skin and tissues. Collagen is an unstable protein substance that requires hydroxylation in order to regenerate damage in the body.

If there is not enough collagen, the organs and tissues of the body begin to degenerate. Therefore, if you do not have enough ascorbic acid, you are more likely to suffer from scurvy, a disease that affects the skin, gums and hair.

On the other hand, it is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism, since it helps to metabolize the following substances:

  • Cholesterol
  • Bile acids
  • Amino acids
  • Carbohydrates

In addition, ascorbic acid favors the digestion of another series of substances as well as the maintenance of bone structures in perfect condition. Strengthens teeth by keeping them healthy, for example.

Other benefits of ascorbic acid include the ability to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, tendons, and ligaments, and to help with vasodilation and the prevention of clotting. In this way, it helps people with hypertension and arteriosclerosis, avoiding ischemic problems.

In conclusion, ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a fundamental compound in the body. We must make sure we eat the necessary amounts, with a balanced diet, although if this is not possible, we have supplements that can help us.

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