What Are The Creams That Work Best For The Face?

Face creams are one of the “star products” in terms of cosmetics and beauty.

However, in addition to an aesthetic issue, they are also used to take care of the skin from the passage of time, environmental pollution and even the consequences of stress.

In this article we will tell you which are the most effective creams for the face. So it will look perfect at any time of the year.

What to know about face creams

Whether you’re using store-bought, dermatologist-prescribed, or self-made creams, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. It is not the same moisturizer as moisturizer

Moisturize eyebrows

These words are often used synonymously, but they do not mean the same thing.

  • A moisturizing cream has the ability to moisten the facial skin at a superficial level. It is recommended for women up to 25 years old.
  • On the contrary, a moisturizer has more profound effects and brings freshness and radiance. It is recommended for people over 25 years old, when the dermis reduces its self-regenerating ability.

2. If you have oily skin, pay attention to the alcohol in the creams

Those women with more oiliness in the face believe that they cannot use creams that contain essential oils. However, the presence of alcohols in the formula can increase the production of pimples.

This is because they act as desiccants for the dermis, and when this happens, the sebaceous glands produce more lipids and cause blockages.

3. Anti-wrinkle creams hide and attenuate

Anti-wrinkle creams hide and attenuate

We cannot expect magical results in a small pot or jar. The so famous “anti-wrinkle creams” hide the effects of skin aging.

Although this may seem insufficient, the truth is that, by improving the dermis in general and reducing fine lines, we accept the results they offer.

4. Some creams can cause allergies

Although they are tested or contain natural ingredients, we can be allergic to one or more components.

The key is to try different products and analyze the effects they have on our skin.

  • You can for example put a little on the back of the hand and wait a few minutes.
  • If you do not feel burning, itching or redness, it is a good sign that you are not allergic to this cream.

5. The order of the ingredients must be fulfilled

face cream

When preparing our own homemade creams for the face (or any other part of the body) we must follow a recipe.

The amounts of ingredients and the steps to follow are not haphazard, they have a reason. This is because each element reacts differently with the others.

Therefore if it is explained that the essential oil must go last … Add it last.

In the case of purchased creams, we can also analyze their composition on the label. We must not only look at what components it offers (and if we are allergic to any of them) but also at the percentages.

That’s right, since the ingredients go from highest to lowest amount. The one that is first is the main one and it is presented in greater proportion than the rest.

6. Know your skin type before using a cream

It is essential to know what the characteristics of the dermis of the face are before buying or preparing a cream. The skin of the face can be classified into:

  • Dry
  • Mixed.
  • Normal.
  • Grease.
  • Sensitive.

There are different types of creams depending on our skin type and specific needs.

You can consult a cosmetic store to diagnose your dermis, although it is better to go to a dermatologist.

Of course, do not make your own evaluations without knowledge since, for example, if the skin is shiny, it is not always because it is oily, or because it is dry, it does not mean that it is dry.

Sensitive skin can be oily, dry, or combination.

7. Use night creams from the age of 25


If you have not yet reached that age, remember to start the habit as soon as you reach the quarter of a decade. If you have already passed the age of 25, start as soon as possible.

Remember that from that moment on, the dermis needs additional care that goes beyond moisturizing. In addition, night creams enhance the effects of any treatment you perform on your face.

Since the skin regenerates during sleep, help it with the right ingredients.

8. The day cream must contain sunscreen

It does not matter if it is summer or winter: the sun is always present (even in the clouds) and can damage our skin.

One of the main causes of the appearance of spots on the face is exposure to UV rays without protection. Premature aging and melanoma are also caused by not protecting the skin.

Therefore, any cream that we choose must have sunscreen. We also advise you to wear hats or scarves on very sunny days.

9. The best face cream is up to you

Anti-aging cream

Even if a particular cream has worked for your friend, cousin or neighbor, that means that it will have the same effects on you.

The ingredients or components can cause allergies or not meet the goal. Therefore, it is always better to try different options until you find the most suitable one.

Consult a professional to determine your skin type and your needs.

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