8 Consequences That You Can Suffer For Not Removing Makeup From Your Skin

If we do not remove the makeup, we prevent the skin from being oxygenated properly and in addition to exposing ourselves to premature aging, we can develop pimples and imperfections

Makeup is one of the allies of feminine beauty and, in fact, most use it in their daily personal care routine. Cosmetics help to make the skin appear smoother and, since they highlight the features of the face, they are useful to look more attractive and beautiful.

The problem is that, after a long working day, a party or many other activities, some feel lazy to remove the remains that remain on the skin. Thus, without knowing how harmful it is, they will rest with everything on.

At first it seems a harmless act, as there are no obvious negative signs; However, as the days go by, some alterations develop that even lead to premature aging. 

Because of this, it is essential to understand the importance of removing makeup every night and to know what the consequences are of ignoring this habit. This time we have compiled 8 negative things that can be generated in the skin when this type of care is not provided.

Consequences of not removing makeup from your skin

1. Dry skin

Dry Skin

Dry skin is one of the first consequences suffered due to the bad habit of sleeping with makeup.

The remains of cosmetics, added to the impurities that adhere to the skin during the day, affect the natural production of oils and reduce the natural moisturizing capacity. Over the days, it is common to feel a rough face with a slight accumulation of dead cells.

2. Loss of natural shine

While many try to avoid shine due to excessive oil production, most want to preserve the natural glow that helps show youthful skin.

However, as a result of the negative effects of makeup, dead cells begin to accumulate on the surface and that healthy tone diminishes noticeably. This is because the pores become clogged and there are a number of difficulties in their oxygenation process.

3. Inflammation

Skin allergies

The accumulation of makeup chemicals, environmental toxins, and dirt alter the inflammatory processes of skin tissues.

At the same time they  cause symptoms such as itching, burning sensation and facial redness. It is not surprising that after sleeping with makeup on, allergic reactions that are difficult to treat are generated.

4. Acne and blackheads

The remains of cosmetics bind to dust and oil particles that remain on the surface of the skin, clogging the pores and generating unsightly comedones and blackheads.

Since natural oils are retained, the skin tends to become inflamed and is susceptible to acne and other skin disorders. Even due to the difficulties it causes in the oxygenation and natural cleaning process, it is distinguished as one of the most common causes of this aesthetic problem.

5. Dry and chapped lips

dry lips

The delicate skin on the lips is quite sensitive and requires multiple care to stay healthy and blemish-free.

When left with makeup on, cells lose their ability to regenerate and a build-up of dead skin occurs that makes them look dry.

Over the days, this increases the risk of lip infections, chapping and other conditions that affect both aesthetically and health.

6. Loss of eyelashes and eyebrows

Eyelashes and brows also suffer serious consequences when mascara or products used to highlight them are not removed.

The chemicals in these cosmetics prevent them from being oxygenated normally. As a result, its growth process slows down and leads to excessive shedding problems. Weakness, breakage, and lack of growth can be the result of not removing makeup every night.

7. Premature wrinkles

wrinkles from makeup

The contaminants that are retained in the skin by this bad habit penetrate through the pores and cause a premature deterioration of collagen and elastin.

This increases sagging and leads to the development of fine wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging that are considered cosmetic problems.

8. Appearance of styes

Going to sleep with mascara or eyeliner on can cause obstruction of the hair follicles on the eyelids, and lead to disorders such as uncomfortable styes.

This condition is characterized by inflammation and the formation of small bumps, which can become painful and annoying for the eyes.

As you just noticed, although makeup is a great help to look beautiful, it can also cause unwanted reactions if it is not removed correctly. Try to get into the habit of removing it daily, either with cleansing milks or natural make-up removal products.

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