The Surprising Benefits Of Going Barefoot

Practicing earthing or grounding allows the body to rebalance its electrical charges and reconnect with nature and the earth, a basic process for maintaining vitality and health.

At some point we have all felt the pleasure of walking barefoot along the shore of the beach or stepping on the grass of the field and feeling its freshness. This ancient custom not only had adherents because footwear was not invented, but because  human beings are designed to walk barefoot.

However, nowadays we cannot walk without shoes on terrain such as asphalt on the roads, as it could be an attack on our feet. But is there a more beautiful feeling than coming home after a tiring day and kicking off your shoes? Certainly not.

Although it is also good to know that going barefoot favors our integral health. In the following article, you will learn about the amazing benefits of going barefoot. Do not miss them!

Walking barefoot, more benefits than harm

Arguably the only detriment to being barefoot is prejudice. Of course, walking on cold ground could be the cause of more than one cold.

However, therapies such as reflexology or acupuncture indicate that very important nerve endings are found on the soles of the feet . From there, we could release tensions and unblock the unrecognized emotions that make us sick.

According to academic publications, if we are barefoot it is easier for us to reestablish the natural energy flow of our feet and, therefore, of our body.

Footwear is a modern invention that protects us from the environment in large cities. However, in natural environments we could take advantage of it to reconnect with nature and the earth.

Walking barefoot could help us eliminate all the negative that destabilizes our health. Also, the best place to remove your shoes is on wet grass.

Walking barefoot

What is the use of going barefoot?

Some scientific studies have shown that touching the ground with bare feet, or practicing earthing or grounding , allows the body to rebalance its electrical charges, a basic process for maintaining vitality and health.

  • Relieves headaches and migraines.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Decreases stress and anxiety.
  • Reduces back pain.
  • Allows greater oxygenation of blood vessels and capillaries.
  • It allows to have more strength and venous resistance, which could help the legs to not retain fluids or uric acid.
  • It stimulates certain organs that are connected to the nerve endings in the soles of the feet.
  • Reduces inflammation and oxidation.
  • Improves the functions of the immune system.

Different scenarios, different benefits

While many of the following properties have not been scientifically proven, their purported health benefits have spread across cultures and over time.

We recommend that you consult your doctor if you suffer from any of the health problems discussed here and, in any case, complement the indicated treatment with grounding on these surfaces.

Walking barefoot on stones or rocks that are cold

For example, on certain beaches at night or in winter. It is said to be good for headaches, poor circulation or neck pain, although this is not scientifically proven.

Walking barefoot on freshly fallen snow

Walking in the snow for less than three minutes would stimulate blood circulation, because, according to the followers of this practice, it irrigates oxygen and nutrients to the whole organism.

To avoid getting sick, you could quickly go to the bathroom and dip your feet in a bowl of hot water. Still, consult a doctor before doing this procedure to make it safer.

Walking barefoot on the beach

Something that is usually done in the summer holidays and, as scientific publications claim, strengthens the legs and makes us demand certain muscles that do not make as much effort when wearing sneakers.

In addition, this is also said to prevent sagging skin and cellulite, tone the thighs and buttocks, mark the muscles of the lower extremities, prevent varicose veins and strengthen the ankles. However, there is not enough evidence in this regard.

It is advisable to do this exercise in the early hours of the morning, when there are fewer people on the beach and the sun is not harmful. Hot sand can burn the soles of your feet.

Walking barefoot on wet grass or grass

For example, dew or rain, it is claimed that it would help absorb minerals and energy from the earth. But in addition, popular beliefs hold that it promotes blood circulation throughout the body, strengthens the nervous system and the heart.

It is also mentioned as an effective method against stress because being in contact with nature could help us relax, calm anxiety and nerves.

Shoes in the field.

Walking barefoot in the water

As it can be a lake or a river, it improves circulation, prevents calluses, shapes the legs, fights athlete’s foot, cures cuts and infections. This is not scientifically proven, but it is what has become popular over time. It is also said that the more movement there is in the water, the more effects you will achieve.

Walking barefoot on concrete or at home

When you get home from work, kick off your shoes and you’ll start to feel instant relief. A good technique to stimulate the acupressure points on the soles of the feet while we are at home is to rub them with a ball.

Actually, anything that is round and not very soft will do. You will immediately begin to feel more relaxed. You can do it while you watch TV, eat or drink coffee.

Start taking off your shoes more often when you get the chance! Remember that wearing footwear is not something natural to human beings, but a product of modernity and the domestication of people.

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