5 Recommendations For Moms And Dads Without Time

The modern lifestyle is the reason why there are many moms and dads out of time. And it is that, in effect, having to comply with an exhausting workday makes the task of dedicating oneself to the family difficult. With so much load, sometimes it seems that the day is not enough …

This situation, in addition to being worrisome, is one of the main triggers of stress among parents, especially if the children are too young. And although there are services to take care of them and facilitate many household tasks, the absence can cause negative consequences on the personality and behavior of children. They need to feel that they are important to their parents and take time to build bond and trust.

How to combine work with parental obligations? What to do to optimize time? If you are part of the group of moms and dads without time, do not forget to follow the following tips.

Useful tips for timeless moms and dads

Spending quality time with children is decisive in their integral development process. For this reason, it is normal for timeless moms and dads to feel strong concern. In fact, one of the missions as parents is to establish a constructive and strong relationship, in which communication and trust predominate.

However, due to the many occupations during the day, sometimes those details that allow to reach this objective are overlooked. What can you do about it?

1. Make family a priority

Family having fun

It is difficult to dedicate exclusive time to the family when there is too much work. However, it is as or more important than earning the money necessary to survive.

It is not about throwing away work obligations in order to fulfill the role of parents, but about establishing priorities, understanding that not everything can be work. Although an “extra” money never falls bad, it is better to avoid excess workloads to be able to share with the children.


  • Avoid working overtime at home. Share lunchtime and any free time with your children.
  • If possible, schedule a family night to do activities together at least once a week.

2. Spread out domestic obligations

Housework can also rob the family of valuable time. Some mothers spend all day doing them, and others have to do them before or after going to work.

It is essential that there is an agreement as a couple so that not all the burden falls on one alone. Spreading obligations optimizes time and allows more sharing with children. In fact, as children get older, it is good to teach them that they can help with different tasks. Thus the idea that “everyone collaborates” is strengthened.


  • Distribute the chores of the house with your partner and children.
  • Set a schedule to meet them and take advantage of the free time to do something fun.

3. Take an interest in homework

Help your children with homework

The school stage is one of the most important in the life of every person. Therefore, dads and moms without time should do everything possible to be aware of how it develops.

In this process some difficulties and doubts arise that, for children, can only be resolved by their parents. Not having time can cause fear and frustration.


  • Use the free time to check how the school grades are going.
  • Check every day if they are fulfilling their tasks and duties.
  • Take some time to ask her what her life is like at school. Find out if they have friends or if they have had any problems with their peers, etc.

4. Create quality time

When children are young, even when they are growing up, the hours between going home and going to sleep play a decisive role in creating an affective bond. These free hours, as well as vacations or holidays, are the perfect opportunity to share some special activity with them.

Creating quality time is being able to take advantage of every opportunity to play, show them affection and explain why it is necessary to be absent for work.


  • Use your free time to play with your young children or talk with the older ones.
  • Plan activities that can be fun for everyone: outdoor sports, movie afternoons, bike rides, or field trips.

5. Learn to listen

Learn to listen to your children

One of the big mistakes that timeless moms and dads make is not listening to their children when they want to ask or tell about an experience.

Great care! Being attentive to understand what children are trying to say with their words, expressions and mood is essential to create an environment of good communication and trust.

The way you respond to your concerns and the care you give them can prevent or detect many traumatic situations you go through.


  • Be willing to listen to your child whenever he wants.
  • Avoid being rude or explosive when attracting attention, it is not convenient to create fear.

Lack of time is not an excuse for neglecting parenting. Although homework may be difficult, they should be the priority. Did you already spend time on them today?

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