Weakened Immune System. How To Realize?

Persistent tiredness, coupled with colds and sore throats, can be clear symptoms of a weakened immune system. We must, then, be alert to recognize the signals that the body emits in situations like these.

Persistent tiredness, coupled with colds and sore throats, can be clear symptoms of a weakened immune system. We must, then, be alert to recognize the signals that the body emits in situations like these. Remember that the immune system plays a key role in our well-being.

According to Stanford Children’s Health ,  “the immune system keeps infectious microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, out of the body.” However, it tends to weaken at times: a poor diet, stress, or conditions could prevent it from fulfilling its basic functions. But what are the red flags? We explain them below.

How to recognize a weakened immune system

This system constitutes our defense against certain external agents that can invade and harm us.  The network of cells, tissues and organs that make it up are responsible for working in coordination to protect our body. These protective cells are called lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. They are responsible for attacking precisely those microorganisms that cause diseases. These cells are found in the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. All of them are the so-called lymphatic organs.

If, for whatever reason, we have a low level of leukocytes at any given time, we will not be able to deal with pathogens. It is therefore important to be alert to certain signs. It will be necessary, therefore, to go to the doctor. It is he who must determine the origin of this weakness, and guide the behavior that we must follow to correct the problem. So let’s see what those signs are.

1. Persistent tiredness

It is true that fatigue can have many causes. But, when it is continuous, and above all, we feel exhausted even when we get up in the morning, it is an unequivocal sign that our immune system has weakened. Another indicator that we must pay attention to is when we end up given up to small efforts. Also, when temperature differences, for example, cause us discomfort. These are all symptoms to watch out for.

2. Frequent infections

Urinary infections, stomach infections or frequent red and swollen gums are indicators that something is wrong. Much more, if you suffer from diarrhea often. These examples could be pointing to a weakened immune system.

Now, one might ask, why do things like this happen? Well, most likely the immune system is not coping as it should to external agents that even take advantage of the occasion to attack us. In other words: it does not give the adequate response and, therefore, it cannot defend us against the compromising presence of viruses, bacteria or fungi for the human organism.

3. Allergies

There are people who are more prone to allergic reactions than others.  Influences such as dust, pollen or other environmental agents could pose a threat to the skin or mucous membranes. And, this is something that can end up affecting, therefore, health. If this is your case, you may also have a weak immune system.

4. Colds

Woman in bed sneezing.

How many colds do you usually suffer per year? One every month? Does your throat always hurt? Do you catch the flu right away? So, visit your doctor for an analysis and check your white blood cell level. Perhaps you are facing a weakened immune system, which is not defending you as it should.

5. Wounds that take time to heal

Cuts or even a simple scratch may not heal for many days. Wounds that do not finish healing,  but become infected, inflamed and painful, are usually a symptom of a weak immune system. For what is this? If this happens to you, tell your doctor. He will know what to do.

How to strengthen the immune system

1. Watch your diet

A good diet is synonymous with good health.  But sometimes we only follow them when we are already sick. To avoid reaching that point, it is necessary that you maintain a varied and balanced nutrition at all times. It should be rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, as well as low in sugar, fat, and alcohol. Citrus fruits are always an excellent aid to strengthen our defenses.

2. Get enough sleep

Getting a peaceful and restful sleep  is essential to keep our immune system strong. In this way, the body will be able to replenish energy and be in a position for each of its systems to fulfill its mission. Insomnia and the concerns that are behind this problem are enemies of health.

3. Hygiene and cleanliness

In this sense, washing our hands several times a day is as important for our health as taking care of the cleanliness of our food. Wash the vegetables that you are going to cook well, immerse them in water and remove any remaining dirt that you notice. All of this is imperative to prevent a weakened immune system.

5. Manage stress properly

Stress is not just a response of the body to the inconvenience of a certain situation. If sustained over time, it could become a chronic condition, which could gradually undermine health.  Also, the accumulation of toxins in our body could weaken our immune system. It is, then, when we get sick.

Take into account all tips. Set priorities, always take care of yourself, and dedicate some time to just yourself. Only then can you save yourself from the dangers of weakening your immune system. Health!

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