8 Ways You Are Damaging Your Hair Without Realizing It

If you analyze it a little, you may realize that, in one day, your hair can withstand washing, drying, brushing, ironing and many other products to style it.   If this is your daily routine, you should start to consider that you are damaging your hair.

After a while, your hair may start to show signs of damage, such as frizz or unwanted split ends. With age, your hair will naturally lose its thickness and shine.  There are some things you can avoid doing to prevent and even reverse this problem. The good news is that these errors are easy to fix.

1. You use too much conditioner

The ends of your hair are the only ones that really need hydration . If you use an exaggerated amount of conditioner you are damaging your hair by adding a product that you do not need.

  • To apply the conditioner, Ideally, use the amount of a small hazelnut and distribute it little by little on damp hair (not dripping water).
  • Start from the ends and spread the product through the hair to the middle area.

natural hair conditioners

This, in addition to benefiting your hair, will also help you with your pocket. By using just the amount you need and in the right way, you will make your conditioner bottle last longer.

2. You are damaging your hair if you ruthlessly expose it to the sun

If you expose yourself to the sun and do not protect your hair, you may begin to have symptoms such as dry scalp, itching and mistreatment of your hair.    However, this can be fixed.  Yes indeed, Consider protecting it with a hat if you must be in the sun for long periods of time.

  • Resist the itch first, as it could be irritation. Apply a little White vinegar while showering can help relieve it and reduce waste.
  • Another way to deal with itchiness is dandruff shampoo. There are a wide variety of treatments that are designed to repair the damage you are doing to your hair.

3. Wash your hair frequently

Know that you are damaging your hair if you wash it daily. We just have to wash our hair  every 2 or 3 days . Keep in mind that washing strips your hair of its natural oils, which help protect it and stay shiny.

On the other hand, if you have dyed hair, it will lose color faster due to the frequency of washing. If you need to wash it daily, do it with water, then apply a little conditioner to the ends. Also, you can use a no poo shampoo.

4. You abuse heat while styling

Iron hair

Many tools designed for hair have adjustable temperature settings. Use them to very high temperatures you are damaging your hair.   This setting is there just to meet the needs of different hair types. When applying heat to your hair, it is recommended that you start with the lowest temperature.

Then you can gradually increase it until you see that you get the results you expect.  On the other hand, never use tools such as the iron or curling iron with wet hair and always try to apply a heat protection product.

5. You brush your hair when it is wet

Hair is much weaker when wet. One of the biggest mistakes you can be making is combing your hair when it’s most vulnerable. It is recommended that you detangle your hair before getting in the shower. If you prefer, you can do this while showering, with a wide tooth comb.

  • This will allow you to distribute the conditioner well and eliminate knots.
  • Comb going up little by little, in small segments, from the ends to the roots.

6. You use the wrong shampoo

There are many types of shampoo in the market that have salt and that have gained a lot of popularity. Although there is no health risk when using this kind of shampoo, these chemicals have a high tendency to dry out the skin.

If when you wash your hair you leave the shampoo on for a long time, you are damaging your hair and scalp. In addition, they tend to remove the color more quickly.  Salt-free shampoos help prevent frizz, split ends, and tangled hair or knots.

7. Avoid haircuts

The estimated time that must pass between one haircut and another is approximately 3 months. Even if you are trying to grow your hair out, you better go for a cut when you start to notice that the hair ends are split.

  • This will prevent the damage from continuing to creep up your hair and then you have to cut more hair than you would like.

8. You abuse chemical treatments

On average, You should only get about 2 treatments per year, not including dyes . Using them too often doesn’t allow your hair to breathe regularly, and when you don’t give it time to recover, it becomes much more prone to breakage.

Abusing treatments such as bleaching could even cause your hair to break, burn, and look very bad, as this process easily deteriorates it. What are you doing that is damaging your hair without realizing it?

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