5 Pilates Exercises To Strengthen The Body

The use of Pilates to strengthen the body is not new, but it does come as a surprise to those who identify this practice only with flexibility and balance. In fact, certain prejudices about the method make it difficult for many people to approach it.

We are going to review some benefits of Pilates and how it can help in toning. To do this, we suggest 5 basic exercises that you can do at home or in the session with an instructor.

What is Pilates and what are its benefits?

Pilates gets its name from the surname of its creator, who developed the technique around 1923 and later perfected it. Little by little it gained ground as an exercise option.

The principle of the method consists in the realization of small movements with a wide use of the muscle groups involved in the stabilization of the center of the body. There are a number of items of equipment that are used, from the traditional ball to Pilates beds, designed for this purpose.

The benefits of this exercise include the following:

  • Increases muscle strength and joint stability.
  • Improves flexibility and balance through proprioception; this is the awareness that the brain has of the different parts of the body and their location in space.
  • Reduces muscle aches and fatigue associated with diseases of the osteomyoarticular system, such as fibromyalgia.
  • Increases cognitive aspects that deteriorate with aging, such as memory.
Pilates ball exercises

Precautions when practicing Pilates

Although Pilates exercises serve to strengthen the body, the truth is that simple precautions must be taken so that possible adverse reactions or injuries do not appear. These are minimum measures that provide security to anyone.

Among them, the support of an instructor when using the pilates bed is a basic matter. It is an instrument that has its certain technique of use and that it is better to use with professional support so as not to make mistakes.

Hydration is also key. Although many exercises are isotonic and can give the feeling of not using too many calories, the truth is that it is possible to become dehydrated, especially if the environment is hot.

5 Pilates exercises to strengthen the body

Now, here we leave you 5 Pilates exercises to strengthen the body that you can do in the middle of your method routines. They are techniques aimed at increasing muscular endurance.

1. Circle with leg

  • To perform this exercise you have to lie on your back. The arms go to the side of the body and one leg is stretched while the other remains supported.
  • The straight leg should make virtual circles in the air, as if drawing them with the tip of the feet. The exercise is repeated with the other leg and up to 5 sessions can be performed.

    2. Bridge

    • The bridge or “shoulder bridge” is done on your back. The arms are extended toward the ceiling and the legs are flexed so that the soles of the feet are flat on the floor.
    • In that position, the next thing is to raise your pelvis and hold it in the air for a moment. Breaths are counted for 3 or 5 seconds, and then descend.
    • This body-strengthening Pilates exercise can be done up to 10 times in each routine.

    3. Oblique

    • The oblique abs are not specific to Pilates, but here they have their peculiarities. The starting position is also on the floor, face up.
    • The knees are bent and the hands are brought to the nape of the neck, in such a way that the elbows point forward.
    • An attempt is made to bring the left elbow to the right knee and vice versa. The repetition works the lateral area of ​​the abdomen, where the oblique muscles reside.

    4. The cat

    • The cat stretch is simple, but efficient. You have to stand on all fours on the floor, with the palms of the hands and the knees supported. Breathing plays a key role here.
    • Once you inhale, you proceed to exhale bringing the abdomen up and arching the back. The spine remains in that position for a moment and the movement is repeated.
    Pilates cat pose

    5. Side kick

    • In this case, the exercise starts from the side. On the floor, on a mat, one shoulder and one side of the hip are in contact with the floor, with the legs stretched out.
    • The arms should be positioned according to comfort and the movement will be carried out with the upper limb that is on top.
    • The leg moves back and forth maintaining balance and coordinating with the breath. Then it is rotated and the same is done with the other leg, which had been underneath.

    You can strengthen your body with Pilates

    The Pilates method can help strengthen the body. In fact, one of its functions is toning, in addition to providing flexibility and balance. Not to mention, it has the potential to stimulate cognition, making it a complete workout.

    You can put together exercise routines at home or join gyms with Pilates beds to attend regularly. It will depend on each one the modality that is most comfortable for their situation.

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