5 Serious Consequences Of Putting Up With The Urge To Urinate

How many times have we endured the urge to urinate throughout our life? Sure, many.

Let’s say: you are very busy and it is not appropriate for you to interrupt what you are doing to go to the bathroom. It could also be that you don’t feel like going to a bathroom other than yours. And you hold the urge to urinate for three hours and even longer. Your body, however, does not consent to those reasons. You simply need to eliminate toxins and waste.

It is possible to hold the urge to urinate at times, but what happens when this practice becomes a habit? Next, we explain 3 serious consequences that this bad habit can bring with it.

Normally, the bladder holds between 150 ml and 220 ml of fluid. Its capacity varies depending on each person. When the amount of urine accumulated in the bladder is close to filling its capacity, some receptors are activated. These are in charge of telling our brain that it is time to go to the bathroom. Then, the brain emits a signal for us to empty the bladder as soon as possible.

1. Infections


Urine is the body’s main resource for eliminating waste substances.

The simple act of urinating involves various organs. Thus, the bladder stores the toxins that the kidneys have previously filtered from the blood. The result of this filtering essentially contains ammonia and acidic substances. If these waste substances are not removed in time, they could end up damaging parts of the urinary tract.

On the other hand, we must remember that through urine we also eliminate a good part of the bacteria found in the urethra. It is a way for the body to prevent these from migrating to other areas where they could cause infections.

What happens then when, for whatever reasons, we resist the urge to urinate? That these bacteria are in our body for longer. Therefore, they increase the chances that they will end up causing the dreaded cystitis.

All of this explains the importance of going to the bathroom whenever you want to urinate.

2. Stones in the kidneys

Kidney stones

Along with labor, renal colic is one of the most acute pains a human could experience. There are people more prone than others to produce so-called calculations, which are the cause of this terrible pain. However, the fact of containing urine is a factor that can greatly condition its appearance.

Kidney stones are calcium, phosphate, ammonium and magnesium residues that crystallize inside the kidneys. Removing these small stones causes great suffering. Drinking plenty of water and going to the bathroom every time the body indicates it, are two excellent ways to avoid it.

3. Chills, pain, and tiredness


As we have seen, the bad habit of resisting the urge to urinate could cause serious damage to health. It is best not to take more than 15 minutes to go to the bathroom once the body has emitted the signal. Otherwise, our brain could stop warning, with all the dangers that such a thing would entail.

Chills and pelvic pain are other possible consequences of holding back the urge to urinate. These are undoubtedly manifestations of the aggravation of the patient’s condition. At this point, we would no longer feel the urge to go to the bathroom. We will notice, yes, more tired, slower and somewhat dazed. In severe cases like these, drinking more fluids could further aggravate the situation.

This is how serious the consequences of the accumulation of toxins contained in the bladder could be. So avoid putting up with the urge to go to the bathroom or your health will suffer.

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