Delicious Recipe For Lentil Soup With Kale

Lentil soup is a preparation that has interesting health properties due to its nutrient content. It should be noted that it has among its ingredients kale, a not too common vegetable but loaded with beneficial antioxidants for the body.

We always insist on the need to introduce vegetables very frequently in the diet. Legumes are also necessary and should be part of a balanced diet. Combining both elements we will achieve a high quality dish, full of benefits.

Lentil soup with kale

It is necessary to highlight the contribution of fiber from lentils. This has a double function. On the one hand, it is capable of generating a feeling of satiety and thus reduces the risk of snacking between meals. On the other hand, it is believed that it would prevent colon cancer, according to a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

It should also be noted the antioxidant content of kale, as we have already advanced before. This food has phytonutrients inside that have been shown to neutralize free radicals, which cause many pathologies associated with premature aging.

The benefits that lentils give you are many and varied.

Finally, we cannot forget the proteins that this preparation provides. It is true that they are nutrients of low biological value due to their plant origin. However, they contribute to completing the recommended daily intake.

It is necessary to emphasize that protein consumption is capable of ensuring a good state of muscle mass in the medium and long term, as stated by research published in the journal Nutrients .


  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 large onion.
  • 2 medium potatoes.
  • 1 clove garlic.
  • 4 ripe tomatoes.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 300 g of lentils of the pardin variety.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 5 kale leaves

    Step by Step

    The first thing to do is wash the lentils and vegetables well. It is not necessary to leave these legumes in water the night before, as long as they are of the pardin variety. It should be noted that it will be necessary to peel all the vegetables and cut them into very fine pieces; the more the better. 

    Then, it will be necessary to take a large saucepan or a pot and pour oil into the bottom. Here, the carrots will be introduced over low heat, first. After two minutes, the onion and a pinch of salt will be added to the pot itself. Let it fry for another two minutes until the latter begins to take on a transparent shade.

    At this point, add the potatoes and garlic, and sauté like this over medium heat a little more until the vegetables turn color. Then reduce the heat and add the peeled and cubed tomato, along with the bay leaf and lentils.

    At this point, it is constantly stirred, otherwise there is a risk that the legumes stick or burn. After a minute of sautéing, add cold water and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes with the pot half covered. It is recommended to try when there is little left to meet the time and correct salt.

    The kale will be added at the last minute, when there are barely 3 minutes left to finish cooking. It is advisable to let the final result rest a little and serve hot.

    Tips to make it perfect

    The secret of most of the spoon dishes is in how finely the vegetables that make up the plate are cut. It should also be taken into account that cooking over a very low heat improves the final result, so it may be appropriate to extend the cooking time a bit longer, sacrificing part of the temperature.

    Let’s not forget that reaching the correct salt point is key. For this reason, it is preferable to be a little scarce at the beginning to be corrected progressively. A hint of pepper will also help bring out the flavors.

    Finally, when preparing these types of recipes, such as lentil soup with kale, it is best to make a generous amount. It is always good that they are left over, since reheated the next day they are much tastier. This is due to the fact that all the aromas are integrated as time passes, so it is enjoyed more in days after preparation.

    Lentil and kale soup, a sure value

    If we want to enjoy the flavor of a wonderful spoonful full of nutrients, we have to prepare this lentil and kale soup. By introducing legumes into the regular diet, we make sure to increase fiber intake, which will be very positive for intestinal health.

    At the same time we will be including a large number of varied vegetables that will provide key antioxidants for the prevention of complex pathologies. Of course, it is advisable to prepare this recipe in the context of a balanced diet in order to enjoy all the benefits it brings to the body.

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