Why Is Mold Growing On The Clothes In The Closet?

A fairly common problem in homes is the growth of mold inside the cabinets. Although at first it may go unnoticed, over the days it causes bad smells and stains that are difficult to remove. Do you know why mold grows on clothes in the closet?

There are several environmental conditions that promote the appearance of mold in these types of spaces. Therefore, it tends to be more common in houses whose interiors are too humid and poorly ventilated. Likewise, heat and poor hygiene can play a role. We tell you how to solve it.

What is mold?

The term “mold” is used to describe a variety of microorganisms that belong to the group of fungi, along with mushrooms and yeasts. These, in particular, are made up of a set of spores that are usually suspended in the air.

However, as a result of humidity, heat, poor ventilation and dirt, these fungi decide to settle in different spaces of the house, proliferating until they create a whole colony.

There are an estimated hundreds of mold species, but the most common in homes include the Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Aspergillus  families . Of course, they can also be found in almost any outdoor setting.

The great disadvantage of having them at home is that they can cause many problems, both at home and in health. Their presence is notorious because they produce stains and bad odors on walls, clothing and furniture. In addition, they are related to asthma problems and respiratory and skin allergies.

mold on the wall

Why do the clothes in the closet get mold?

To solve the question of why the clothes in the closet get mold, it is important to take into account what we mentioned above. In this sense, we must be clear that the closet is usually an airtight space, with little ventilation, where heat also accumulates.

Gathering these characteristics, it is not surprising that molds are often concentrated inside. In addition, in some homes the problem is greater, since the cabinets are embedded in walls that face external areas where there is greater contact with humidity.

By growing inside these furniture, mold can spread onto clothing, causing stains that are very difficult to remove. Similarly, it can affect garments when they are stored without being completely dry.

What should you do if the clothes in the closet get mold?

There are several solutions so that mold does not damage the clothes that are stored inside the closets. Of course, the ideal thing to do is to take preventive measures, since once mold stains are formed, it is very difficult to remove them. Note the following:

Examine and clean the closet

First, remove all the clothes from the closet and examine the inside for brown or green stains that can alert you to the presence of mold. If so, dilute a couple of tablespoons of bleach in a liter of water and spray it on the mold to remove it.

Be aware that bleach can damage clothing. Therefore, before putting the garments back into storage, remove the residue with a towel and let it dry.

Buy an anti-humidity product

There are a wide variety of products that help prevent moisture inside cabinets; some conventional examples are silica gel, calcium sulfate, or activated alumina. There are also natural options like baking soda, salt, or rice.

silica gel sachets

Ensures ventilation of cabinets

To alter the environment that these fungi need to grow, air out the cabinets several times a week. Even, if possible, install doors and shelves where there is better air circulation. 

Put your clothes to dry as soon as possible

After washing your clothes, be sure to air dry them as soon as possible. If you leave it soaking or damp too long, there is a greater chance of later problems with mold growth.

Make sure to keep your clothes dry

Introducing wet garments inside the cabinets is a factor that usually affects the growth of fungi. Therefore, to avoid the problem, check that the clothes are well dry before putting them away.

Use white vinegar

If your garments have acquired a bad smell and moisture stains, apply a solution of white vinegar diluted in hot water. After 20 to 30 minutes, rinse them in the normal cycle of the washing machine. If the stain is too stubborn, try combining vinegar with baking soda.

Now that you know why mold is growing on clothes in your closet, you can make a plan to stop this problem. Take into account all the advice given and prevent this fungus from damaging your clothes.

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