Benefits That Boldo Tea Brings To Your Body

If consumed in too much quantity, it can become toxic to the body and cause diarrhea. You should always drink a cup on an empty stomach and do not prolong the intake for more than nine days in a row.

The boldo tree is native to Chile and is used to try to improve different health problems, including alleviating digestive discomfort. Would you like to know what are the benefits that boldo tea brings to your body? Then do not hesitate to continue reading this article!

Facts about boldo

It is also known as ‘cimarrón boldú’ and its scientific name is Peumus boldus . The boldo tree belongs to the Monimiaceae family and grows in wild and temperate areas in both Chile and Argentina — Andean regions — and Peru — in the Sierra Sur region.

For centuries, boldo has been consumed raw or cooked,  the leaves are used to make infusions and the bark for various preparations. It is made up of essential oils —cineol, eucalyptol and ascaridiol—, tannins and flavonoids.

Among the main properties of boldo, we can highlight its qualities:

  • Expectorant.
  • Sedative.
  • Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  • Antioxidant
  • Diuretic and depurative.
  • Hepatoprotective, cholagogue and choleretic.
  • Fungicide.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Digestive, intestinal relaxant and carminative.

Boldo tea is not allowed in pregnant women, as it can induce abortion by stimulating uterine contractions, nor in the lactation period. Likewise, its consumption is not recommended in the case of children and patients with severe liver diseases, with obstruction of the bile ducts or with stones.

We also want to warn that side effects may arise from excessive or continued consumption. In addition, in the case of suffering any medical condition, it is essential to consult with your doctor before starting to take it.

If consumed in too much quantity, it can become toxic to the body and cause diarrhea. You should always drink a cup on an empty stomach and do not prolong the intake for more than nine days in a row.

How do you prepare boldo tea?

More applications of boldo tea

If you do not buy it in bags or sachets in a naturist house or market, a good idea is to buy the dried and ground leaves.


  • 1 tablespoon of boldo leaves (10 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (150 ml)


  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the boldo leaves.
  • Remove from the heat, cover and let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  • After that time, filter and sweeten with honey.

What is boldo tea for?

Although the most frequent use of boldo is to relieve stomach ailments, it is also used for other ailments and pathologies. The most important are the ones we list here.

Helps reduce free radical damage

The leaves of this tree have a large amount of phytochemicals – camphor, limonene and boldine, among others – which, according to studies, are antioxidants that could have beneficial effects on the body. One of the most important properties of these phytochemicals is that they could help reduce the damage caused by free radicals in cells.

Improve insomnia


Boldo tea has sedative properties not only for the intestinal system, which helps in cases of constipation or diarrhea, but also relaxes the nervous system.

Therefore, this infusion could calm anxiety, nerves and, above all, to reduce insomnia. Consult your consumption with your doctor and drink a cup before going to sleep.

Benefits liver health

There are studies that suggest that boldo infusion acts as a protector against oxidative liver damage caused by cisplatin, and that this protective capacity is due to the presence in the infusion of natural antioxidants, mainly catechins. Additionally, boldo has the ability to stimulate bile production in the gallbladder.

Improves kidney health

This tea has antiseptic properties, therefore, it is also used in cases of cystitis, nephritis and similar diseases. However, more studies are needed to prove these effects.

It has gastronomic and cosmetic uses

Bold tea

The sweet taste and slight lemon aroma of the leaves and fruits of boldo has made it a spice used in Chilean cuisine. It is used to make various dishes and drinks, such as chicho de boldo.

On the other hand, its essential oils are used to prepare perfumes, shampoos or creams. Many people use the branches of boldo as an insecticide and the bark as a colorant. In South America, you can also find crafts or jewelry made with dried boldo fruits.

More applications of boldo tea

Boldo tea is believed to have beneficial effects in the following cases. Although, as we have commented before, it should not be used as a substitute for any medication or without the consent of a doctor:

  • Decongests the chest.
  • It deflates the eyes and treats earaches.
  • It improves gastric metabolism, stimulates the production of stomach juices and bile, treats dyspepsia and improves intestinal health.
  • Reduces uric acid levels.
  • Reduces dizziness and headaches.
  • It prevents formation of blood clots.

Have you ever taken boldo? Undoubtedly, it is an ideal natural ingredient to improve our health in many aspects. Do not hesitate to consult your consumption with your doctor in case it has any side effects or interactions with medications.

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