Foods And Supplements That Cannot Be Missing In A Vegan Diet

The vegan diet is one that does not include any type of food of animal origin, that is, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, etc. Many people follow her out of personal convictions or health. It is true that this eating plan is capable of preventing the development of certain diseases, but it is necessary to include certain supplements to avoid deficiencies. We are going to teach you the importance of choosing the right foods in a vegan diet.

It is a fairly strict type of diet that must be followed with some caution to avoid nutritional deficits. Therefore, discover in this article which are the foods and supplements that should not be missing in a vegan diet.

Vegan diet or vegetarian diet

Vegan diet or vegetarian diet

Although there are many nuances and variants, in general, a vegetarian diet is one that does not include meat or, in many cases, fish. However, you can sometimes incorporate dairy foods (lacto-vegetarian diet) or eggs (ovo-vegetarian). Including these derivatives from animal products reduces the risk of protein and vitamin deficiencies.

On the other hand, the vegan diet is the one that excludes all types of products of animal origin. The strictest ones even dispense with honey and products that may have involved some kind of animal subjugation in their preparation. This eating plan can be followed for personal, religious, or ethical reasons. There are also many people who use it temporarily or regularly to improve certain health conditions.

A healthy vegan diet can provide a wide variety of healing nutrients to the body. However, it can also be very harmful if we do not consume everything the body needs to function properly. A typical deficit in this type of diet is that of vitamin B12, which can be associated with the development of anemia, according to nutrition experts.

Essential foods and supplements


Spirulina, an ideal food in a vegan diet

Spirulina is an algae with a high content of vitamins and minerals. It gives us a lot of energy and helps us avoid nutritional deficits. It is even rich in protein, although these nutrients it contains are of lower biological value than those of meat.


All algae are remineralizing foods. Thanks to these ingredients, bone, tooth and joint problems are  prevented. They are normally rich in sodium, which reduces the risk of problems associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland. In fact, and according to research published in the journal PLoS One , hypothyroidism is much more common in individuals with low sodium levels.

In addition, by adding seaweed to our usual stews we can enrich any recipe. And, at the same time, help improve the digestion of food.

Nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast and brewer’s yeast are supplements that should not be lacking in any type of diet. They are beneficial for health and work as a beauty remedy for skin, hair and nails.

In addition, nutritional yeast is very common in the vegan diet thanks to its delicious flavor similar to a dried fruit or a cheese. For this reason it is commonly used for creams, patés, appetizers, breads, etc.

Sprouted seeds

Sprouted seeds in the vegan diet

The seeds concentrate  proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In addition, we can enhance their properties if we keep them moist to make them germinate. We can also use, for this, a germinating container. They are even rich in antioxidant compounds, which according to the most recent studies serve to reduce the incidence of metabolic diseases.

We can add them to all kinds of salads, rice, pasta, etc. We especially recommend those with alfalfa, radish, lentils and broccoli.


Among all the seeds we highlight the sesame. It is one of the vegan foods richest in calcium, which we will need if we do without foods such as dairy.

We can consume sesame raw, roasted, ground, in oil, in cream ( tahini ), in sweets, etc. It is ideal for all kinds of recipes and very common in oriental and Arabic cuisine.

Activated nuts

Nuts are the base of the nutritional pyramid of the vegan diet. We shouldn’t do without a handful of nuts every day.

The healthiest way to consume them is raw and soaked for 8 hours to activate all their benefits and make them more digestive. After this time, we can make vegetable drinks, desserts, etc.


Lemon, an ideal food in a vegan diet

Lemon is a stimulant of the immune system thanks to its vitamin C content. It is capable of improving the assimilation of iron, so it should not be missing in our daily diet.

In addition, if we get organic lemons, we recommend using the peeling as well. We can freeze it and always have it on hand to season.


All legumes are very healthy. However, the pea is one of the most digestive and rich in protein, so it should be common on menus.

Today, pea protein shakes are also very popular in the vegan diet. We can combine this powder with all kinds of fruits and its flavor is delicious.


Probiotic-based supplements improve the intestinal flora. Thanks to this virtue, they also facilitate the absorption of all nutrients.

There are foods rich in probiotics. For example, sauerkraut, naturally fermented apple cider vinegar, kefir, or umeboshi plums.


Maca, an ideal food in a vegan diet

Andean maca is a stimulating, energetic, aphrodisiac and antioxidant superfood. In addition, it is an excellent regulator of the hormonal system. At the beginning it should be consumed in small amounts, as it can cause nervousness in some people. It can be taken alone or mixed with a little juice or yogurt.


Avocado is the fruit par excellence. It has very complete nutritional values: protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. c We can consume it daily and enjoy its flavor and creaminess in all kinds of recipes: salads, creams, sauces, smoothies, etc.


Do you usually eat mushrooms? They are one of the few wild foods that we can get today, and therefore very rich in nutrients. Therefore, we must include them as an accompaniment and garnish to any vegan dish. In addition, there is a great variety and they are delicious.


Moringa, an ideal food in a vegan diet

Moringa is a tree from which the seeds (a maximum of two daily) and its beautiful green leaves are consumed. Its flowers are also medicinal. It contains so many nutrients that it can be consumed daily, but in moderation. Especially if we suffer from kidney problems.

Include a variety of foods in the vegan diet

We have taught you the important foods in a vegan diet. However, vitamin B12 supplementation is essential if you restrict the consumption of animal foods, otherwise you will end up developing anemia. We recommend that if you are considering starting this type of diet, you go to a professional to guide you on a balanced plan.

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