Infusions To Lose Weight: Myth Or Reality?

Teas have many properties that can help us lose weight quickly, as long as we also follow a proper diet. These slimming infusions have recognized “fat burning”, diuretic or anxiolytic effects and, therefore, are good allies when losing kilos.

The ideal is to take infusions two or three times a day. In winter they feel very warm, but not so much in summer. In this season of the year we can take them cold. Your benefits will be exactly the same.

The infusions that we are going to talk about next help you lose weight. Taking them after each meal will allow for better digestion. Of course, for us to see its slimming effects it is necessary to eat an adequate and balanced diet.

Infusions to lose weight

We are going to know some of those teas that are allies when it comes to losing weight . We recommend that you try them all so that you can choose the ones that you like the most.

Ideally, you should consume them without sugar, so that they are healthier. However, you can add honey or another type of sweetener if you don’t like the natural flavor at all. We do not recommend abusing them.

1. Red slimming tea (Pu Erh)

Red tea, like others, is a millenary infusion as this article points out, of oriental origin that has recently been known in the West for its “fat burning” properties.

In addition to being slimming, it  helps detoxify the body with its antioxidant power, strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

It is said that by drinking three or four cups of red tea a day, significantly overweight people can lose up to 9 kilos ; those who are moderately overweight could lose 6 kilos and those who are slightly overweight, up to 3 kilos.

2. Cinnamon infusion


Some studies have shown that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels and lower the body’s resistance to insulin.

Also, cinnamon speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite. Therefore, the cinnamon infusion can help fight overweight and obesity.

If you prefer, you can also add a teaspoon of cinnamon to skimmed yogurt for breakfast or a snack, as a way to integrate cinnamon into your daily meals, instead of taking it as an infusion.

3. Green tea to lose weight

Although green tea is well known for being a powerful antioxidant, it is also true that it is one of the herbal teas to lose weight that you can take at any time.

Drinking two cups of green tea a day helps to reduce the waist, improve the relationship between waist and hip measurements and lower the body mass index, reducing the amount of fatty tissue in the body.

This effect could be due to the catechins present in green tea, which would speed up the metabolism and help to lose weight, as long as the person eats properly and exercises regularly.

On the other hand, it could also result from its caffeine content, which has been shown to improve physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids to make them available as a source of energy.

In any case, its consumption should be done in moderation, since in excess it can lead to side effects. In addition, it should be avoided in case of pregnancy and lactation. 

4. Horsetail tea and rooibos tea

Studies carried out on these teas show that this infusion has a certain diuretic power, therefore, they can serve to prevent fluid retention.

If you eliminate fluids, you will lose weight and it is even possible that some of your measurements will be reduced, but you must bear in mind that the amount of fatty tissue in your body will not be decreasing.

5. Other infusions to lose weight

Valerian, a medicinal plant to treat insomnia

There are many other herbal teas to lose weight that will help you, albeit indirectly. For example, many people eat too much when they have anxiety.

Linden tea and valerian tea calm anxiety; that’s why they can help you lose weight. Remember that anxiety usually encourages us to eat even if we are not hungry.

For its part, the infusion of fucus helps to maintain the feeling of fullness in the stomach for longer. In this way, you eat less and lose weight more quickly.

So now you know, there are herbal teas to lose weight, excellent allies to lose weight that you can start using them whenever you want. Anyway, remember to drink these teas in moderation and consult your doctor if you have any serious conditions, before you start consuming them.

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