Is It Correct To Include Gluten-free Products In Our Diet?

If we do not have any type of intolerance, eliminating gluten products from the diet can be harmful, since their substitutes include more sugar and trans fats.

Millions of people around the world have made the decision to eliminate gluten from their lives. First, they eliminate bread, wheat and flour from the diet until they stop eating everything that includes this ingredient. But is this determination correct?

Gluten-free products have become very popular since people began to talk openly, on social media and media, of celiac disease, a digestive disorder that lasts a lifetime. However, there are many people who have entered this world without suffering from this disease.

Fad has prompted them to start a new diet that can wreak havoc on their health. You’re one of them? Don’t worry, here we will offer you information that can help you.

Difficulties processing gluten?

Go on a gluten-free diet.

It is always good to clarify terms, so that there are no misconceptions regarding a particular topic. Regarding this case:

  • Celiac disease: Permanent gluten intolerance.
  • Gluten: set of proteins found in cereals such as wheat, barley, rye and all its derivatives. In addition, it can be present in most processed foods that we find in the market, since they provide softness and elasticity to the doughs.

According to the Argentine Celiac Association, in the South American country 1 in every 100 inhabitants suffers from this disorder that can cause lesions in the intestinal mucosa. This makes it difficult to absorb nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.

Some figures

According to BBC Mundo, in 2015, 70 million Americans withdrew this element from their diets. On the other hand, in the United Kingdom 7% of adults avoided it for reasons of intolerance and suffering from allergies. However, 8% of the population only opted for gluten-free products to lead a healthier lifestyle.

In that sense, they pointed out that 60% of adults had already bought gluten-free products and 10% of families in this country already had a member declared as an “enemy” of this protein.

A dangerous fashion

Gluten intolerance

Joining the “gluten-free” trend just to lose weight is a huge mistake. This happens when the decision is motivated without any type of investigation or prior consultation with a specialist. There is no scientific evidence to ensure that removing gluten from the diet leads to a reduction in fat mass.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that in Spain six out of every hundred consumers of gluten-free products have their health affected, according to the newspaper ABC. However, despite the relatively low figures, the WHO indicates that 83% of citizens continue to buy specialized products free of this protein, at least once a week.

Wheat and barley substitutes usually contain higher amounts of sugar and trans fats. These items become the real enemies when eaten in excess. The latest research associates the regular intake of these substances with an increased risk of developing diseases.

That said, you could gain weight just by ditching gluten without proper preparation. That is why it is so important to look for a professional to guide you in this objective, if it is indeed what is best for you.

There are no reasons to exclude them from the diet

The director of the Scientific Communication Observatory of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), Gonzalo Casino, assured the newspaper La Vanguardia that there are no scientific reasons to guide a healthy person on a gluten-free diet.

Casino led a study in which it was shown that there is no scientific basis to argue for a diet without this element in people who do not suffer from celiac disease. He explained that this measure is not beneficial to health, because the fiber contained in grains and cereals is eliminated.

  • Considers that this nutrient is vital for health, as it helps fight cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risks of suffering from some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes.
  • In addition, its exclusion from the diet can cause intestinal damage, lead to constipation and generate respiratory diseases. In fact, regular fiber intake is associated with better bowel transit, according to a study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .

On the other hand , the fact of removing gluten from the diet can generate a medium-term intolerance towards this protein. The body, if it does not detect gluten frequently, stops producing the enzymes that are responsible for its metabolism, generating a problem if its consumption is resumed one day.

Beware of fashions

There is no denying that gluten is present in most fast food products. There is no doubt that excluding them from the diet is a healthy option. Now, not only for the fact of eliminating this protein. Rather because refined flours, sugars and bad fats are reduced.

According to the Casino study, the market for gluten-free products has led to the expansion of the belief that this protein is harmful to health.

Take into account that these foods have become a millionaire business. If you want to lose weight and you do not have problems with gluten, we assure you that there are many options that will help you achieve the goal.

However, it should always be with the guidance of an expert. A poorly planned diet can cause serious damage to the body.

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