8 Natural Ingredients You Can Use To Relieve Skin Wounds

The treatment of superficial wounds should be carried out with ingredients whose properties help to disinfect and protect. Although infections do not always originate, it is necessary to clean the affected area to prevent microorganisms from proliferating and worsening the situation.

To this end, products with antiseptic properties are often used that, in addition to inhibiting bacterial growth, stimulate regeneration and healing of the affected tissues.

The problem is that many of the commercial options are either expensive or contain chemicals that cause unwanted side reactions. Because of this, today we want to share with you 8 ingredients of natural origin that, after being applied, fulfill a similar function without causing other discomfort.

1. Garlic

Although it can generate a slight burning sensation when applied, garlic is one of the ingredients par excellence for the recovery of superficial wounds.

  • Its main active ingredient, allicin, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect that helps to repair and protect the affected skin.
  • On the other hand, its antioxidant compounds benefit the activity of cells, which is essential for optimal healing.

2. Onion

Onion has sulfurous compounds similar to garlic and because of this, it is also a good solution to speed up the recovery of injured skin.

  • Its natural juice alters the environment that microorganisms need to proliferate and reduces the risk of infection.
  • In turn, it contains vitamins and minerals that increase the production of collagen and elastin for rapid tissue repair.

3. Honey from bees

Honey bee

Honey is one of the antibiotic ingredients that are most recommended for the treatment of wounds and skin conditions.

  • Its properties not only provide a protective effect against infectious microorganisms but, incidentally, hydrate and nourish for a rapid repair of the affected areas.
  • It has enzymes and antioxidants that reduce the negative action of free radicals so that they do not interfere with the healing process.

4. Aloe vera

The prodigious aloe vera gel is one of the most complete natural treatments for problems that affect the health of the skin.

  • It contains moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances that are ideal for the relief of minor wounds.
  • Its antiseptic and antimicrobial agents provide a protective barrier against viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
  • Its regular application protects injured areas and, in turn, promotes healing.

5. Lavender

Lavender essential oil wounds

The application of lavender infusion or oil can be very beneficial to accelerate the relief of small wounds on the skin.

Its antiseptic and soothing properties help protect affected areas from microorganisms, while reducing swelling and burning.

6. Arnica to treat wounds

The anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of arnica can be used as a natural solution against wounds and skin problems.

Its natural compounds control swelling and, incidentally, nourish injured tissues to accelerate their repair process.

This, added to its antibacterial action, helps to achieve an optimal healing process before other complications are generated.

7. Lemon

lemon juice and lemons

Lemon is an acidic ingredient that can be quite useful for preventing skin infections.

  • Its high content of vitamin C increases the production of collagen, an essential substance for the repair of damaged skin.
  • Although its direct application causes an uncomfortable burning sensation, its properties can help inhibit the growth of harmful microbes.

It is not recommended to heal burns or irritations, but it is recommended for minor scrapes or cuts.

8. Bee propolis

Bee propolis is a natural antiseptic whose content of vitamins and minerals is highly beneficial for the skin.

  • Its medicinal properties have been valued since ancient times, since it is effective against the action of various types of viruses and bacteria.
  • In fact, today it is part of a wide variety of skin care products because, among other things, it also helps to minimize the negative effects of the sun and toxins.

    In conclusion, although we are used to commercial treatments, there are many natural ingredients to protect the skin when it suffers a minor injury.

    Go ahead and try the one that most catches your attention and use it for several days to make the most of its properties.

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