3 Naturally Occurring Solutions To Cleanse The Navel

The navel is a part of the body that we often forget about. Keeping it clean is essential to avoid infections and problems in this area. Find out how to do it.

Do you usually clean your belly button well after showering? This is a part of the body that we often overlook. However, proper hygiene can prevent different infections.

For this reason, below you will discover how to clean the navel from natural solutions.

Clean the navel naturally

The navel tends to accumulate moisture and dirt, which makes it the ideal breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria. This can lead to omphalitis, which, as the article Uracosinus points out : a rare cause of recurrent omphalitis in adults , is an infection that is usually related to poor hygiene of the navel.

What can cause the navel to get dirty? Some fabrics of the garments that we wear, the sand from the beach, the dead skin that comes off naturally from the skin or the fat produced by the body. Likewise, after taking a shower or bath we must ensure that the navel area is completely dry.

The dirt accumulated in the navel area can lead to itching, redness and excess dryness. The reason? Due to the lack of hygiene, bacteria have been able to proliferate that have given rise to fungi and infections that can also cause a bad smell. To avoid this, we must clean the navel every day.

1. Tea tree

One of the properties of tea tree oil is its antifungal capacity. This makes it a good ally to try to prevent infections and fungi to which we can be exposed by not cleaning the navel in the proper way.

The best way to use it to clean the navel is with a swab in which we will put a small drop of tea tree oil. Afterwards, we will pass it through the navel to disinfect the area very well. We must be careful not to overdo the amount of oil, as it can irritate the delicate skin of the navel.

2. Rosemary alcohol

Rosemary alcohol is a very important natural remedy if we suffer from omphalitis. The bad smell in the navel can be quite unpleasant and the rosemary alcohol will help us clean the area, while leaving a very pleasant smell.

This is due to the aromatic properties of rosemary that make it an indispensable complement for these cases. In addition, it does not harm the skin in this area.

To apply it, we will also use a cotton swab. It is recommended that, previously, we have washed the navel with soap and we have dried it very well.

3. Coconut oil

The last of the natural resources that we are going to use to clean the navel is coconut oil. However, this solution should be used when we have sanitized the navel, either with tea tree oil or with rosemary alcohol.

Coconut oil is very hydrating, and many people actually use it on a daily basis. However, it also has properties that reduce bacteria that may have proliferated in the navel.

Therefore, using it after cleaning the area with the previous options is a good idea. This way the navel will be free of possible infections and other problems.

Natural coconut oil.

Pay attention to all parts of the body

Up to this point, you may well have never realized that you were completely ignoring your belly button. From now on we want to emphasize the importance of drying the navel well after getting out of the shower.

Likewise, if you have ever had irritation, itching or redness problems in this area, we encourage you to use the solutions that we have proposed at least once a week. Thus, you will avoid infections that can affect this area of ​​the body.

In the event that you already have any symptoms that indicate that something is wrong, do not hesitate to see your doctor. It will provide you with a suitable cream to resolve the infection.

After this, it would be convenient for you to take into account the advice given to prevent the same thing from happening to you again. Do you usually clean the navel? How do you do it?

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