3 Psychological Challenges To Face When Losing Weight

Slimming. There are those who set a goal for the summer in order to show off their bikini better. Other people, on the other hand, need to lose weight not only for aesthetic reasons, but for health reasons, and we know it, it is not always easy …

We look for the most suitable diet, the one where the vitamin and nutrient contributions are respected. In addition, we strive to eliminate everything that we like so much: sweets, soft drinks, high-fat food, etc., and we force ourselves to do some exercise every day.

In addition, many people have to cope with little social support at times. Likewise, we are in a society that extols an ideal of beauty, but does not value what it costs to achieve it.

Therefore, today we will talk about the psychological problems that we must face when losing weight.

1. Lack of support from family and friends

“Today I start my weight loss diet”, we usually say. It is then that our partners, our parents or friends raise their eyebrows in a gesture of skepticism. Maybe they have heard you say it on numerous occasions and have not even realized how many kilos you have managed to lose or how your figure has improved.

It is also common that we have to face little respect for our diet. While the others have a hamburger for dinner, you have that healthy salad. This can lead to some teasing or misplaced comments.

However, how can we deal with all this?

  • If you are clear about your goal, go for it. It is you who wants to lose weight, not others. Therefore, establish a protective barrier against which the comments of the rest do not affect you. You want to lose weight and you are going to do it with the greatest possible motivation.
  • Apply your diet day by day with optimism. If others see you well, they will respect you. On the other hand, if they perceive your doubts or your suffering, they may end up commenting that of “Do you see how you are not able to endure?”, “If you do not have willpower …”. Faced with expressions like this, stand firm and be clear. Phrases like these, far from helping, hurt. And as such you must say it.

    2. Why lose weight “if you’ve always been chubby …”

    Many people have a few extra pounds for genetic reasons. This is also a complicated aspect that we must face.

    Sometimes the family gets used to seeing us like this, they normalize it and do not realize that obesity is a serious health problem.

    If we “normalize” those extra kilos at the family level, meals will continue to be inadequate. In addition, we will maintain lifestyle habits that we have seen at home because they seem normal to us. And all this will make us fall into a dangerous vicious circle.

    Thus, the day we finally decide to go on a diet to lose weight we find ourselves with the strangeness of our relatives. They may say things like: “Why, if we’ve always been like this?”

    • We have to be careful. Never let yourself be influenced by the people around you when you set a purpose for yourself, and less, if that goal has to do with your health.

    3. Do not be carried away by false ideals of beauty

    When it comes to losing weight, many women have in mind those slim bodies that they see in magazines or on television.

    We must be aware that, behind them, a whole world of falsehood sometimes hides, from aesthetic operations to image retouching using Photoshop . Also, you should take into account:

    • Your body is unique and you must learn to love yourself as you are. This does not mean that you should sit idly by if you are overweight. However, to achieve better results it is necessary to give priority to reasons based on health and not on appearance, as some studies indicate.

      One last tip

      While we are following a weight loss diet it is vital that we do so with optimism. We must trust ourselves to be able to reduce those extra pounds.

      However, we must be attentive to other factors. There are people who, while on a diet, feel more negative, are on the defensive and go through the process with great suffering.

      We must be careful with these psychological factors. We all remember to take care of our diet, but it is important to monitor our emotions as well.

      Therefore, never seek to lose weight to aspire to have a perfect body. Don’t be obsessed with looking for “that ideal of beauty.” There are genetic factors that we cannot avoid. If you are short, if you have wide hips or a large constitution, we will not be able to change it no matter how much effort we make.

      It is imperative that we assume the shape of our body. Thus, within that, we must always look for the ideal weight to enjoy good health.

      If you have an adequate weight and you do not have any health problems, enjoy yourself and your beauty. There is no greater attraction than a happy, smiling and optimistic woman.

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