Gluten-free And Lactose-free Blueberry Cake

The blueberry cake is a delicious sweet that shows us that we can make recipes at home that are healthy and that the whole family likes.

A cake with ingredients that are beneficial to our health that will allow us to have a good breakfast or a good snack on hand without regrets.

In this article we explain step by step how to make this simple blueberry cake recipe, as well as some tips about gluten and intolerance to this vegetable protein.

What about gluten?

Every time we hear more about gluten, since more and more people suffer from an allergy to this nutrient or celiac disease.

In addition, there are many cases of other people who, despite not being allergic, do suffer from a certain degree of intolerance, which in the long run leads to many health problems.

Some nutritionists have commented that possibly this growing intolerance is due to the adulteration of the wheat seed to cultivate it in a mass manner.

Some of the most common symptoms of people who are intolerant to gluten are the following:

  • Digestive problems, mainly bloating and flatulence.
  • Autoimmune diseases: Arthritis, ulcerative colitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, diabetes …
  • Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome or unexplained infertility.
  • Skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, keratosis pilaris (rough skin due to excess keratin, etc.).
  • Headaches or migraines.
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
  • Irritability, anxiety, depression.
  • Pain and inflammation in the joints such as fingers, knees or hips.

Gluten free flours

For those who cannot consume gluten or want to reduce their intake, we suggest cooking with corn, cassava, chickpea or rice flours.

If we use rice flour, in some cases we can obtain more compact doughs. If we want to give this recipe more fluffiness, we can whip the whites to the point of snow and mix them with the dough at the end, gently.

We can also bake the first minutes only with the lower heat, and then continue baking with the lower and upper heat.

Benefits of blueberries

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A and C and, to a lesser extent, in vitamin B. It also provides us with minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Its properties to combat free radicals stand out, which are the cause of the aging of our skin and our organism.

Cranberry is also characterized by being very useful in natural treatments, to prevent urine infections and to improve vision problems such as difficulty seeing in the dark.

Cranberry cake

One of the facilities of this recipe is that we will not have to measure the quantities, since we will always use the empty container of the yogurt that we have chosen.  In this way, we ensure that the proportions will always be exact.


  • A soy yogurt. We can choose it natural, with red fruits or the flavor that we like the most.
  • 3 whole eggs, preferably organic or farm.
  • 4 measures (of yogurt) of rice flour.
  • 150 grams of fresh blueberries.
  • 1 and a half measures of good quality olive or sunflower oil.
  • 3 measures of brown cane sugar.
  • 1 sachet (15 gr) of yeast.


  • To start, we turn on the oven and preheat it to 180ºC.
  • Then we beat the eggs with the yogurt and oil.
  • Add the sugar and beat until it dissolves completely.
  • Little by little we are adding the rice flour and we continue beating the mixture.
  • We put the yeast and mix well until there are no lumps.
  • Finally, we add the blueberries, mix gently, and place all the dough in the mold that we have chosen. We recommend using silicone or glass ones, previously greased with oil.
  • To finish we bake at 180ºC for 40 minutes.
  • We wait for it to cool before consuming it.

Blueberry pie with ice cream

This delicious blueberry cake can also be an attractive dessert for our guests. In that case, we recommend that you add some of the following seasonings:

  • Melted chocolate.
  • Red fruit sauce.
  • A scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Don’t hesitate to try it!

Images courtesy of michelle @ TNS and looseends.

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