5 Benefits Of Doing Plank Every Day

Plank is a very complete exercise that, in addition to helping us prevent injuries and strengthen various muscle groups, allows us to achieve greater balance and improve posture

The daily exercise known as “plank” or “plank” provides many benefits. It is known that  exercise is one of the best habits to maintain a stable weight and a healthy mind, according to this study from the University of Antioquia (Colombia). Thus, we activate the metabolism, increase the burning of calories and, if that were not enough, we reaffirm areas of the body that highlight our best physical attractions.

Despite all this, very few dare to practice it continuously to obtain its benefits. Lack of time, fatigue after work or difficulty attending a gym are some of the excuses for not doing it.

Thinking of those who put all kinds of obstacles to avoid exercising, today we want to share the properties of practicing plank. You can do it from home, in the living room, in the office or in the park. You won’t need much to do this fantastic exercise.

All that is required is a support mat and, of course , a lot of willpower.

Cheer up!

What are the benefits of the plank?

Plank exercise routine at home.

The plank can bring many benefits to your body, as long as you dedicate a few minutes a day. You should know that it is not an easy exercise to perform, as it requires a lot of physical resistance and concentration. We tell you what its main benefits are.

1. Greater muscle definition

The plank involves various muscle groups such as the transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques, and glutes.

This is very important for everyone if we take into account that each one has a purpose and benefit in our body.

  • Transverse Abdominal: Increases abdominal pressure so you lift more weight and helps flatten your belly.
  • Rectus abdominis: Improves performance in sports that require jumping.
  • Obliques: They are in charge of giving lateral flexion and twisting movement in the waist.
  • Buttocks: They are a support for the lumbar area r and when they get stronger they acquire a more defined appearance.

2. Prevents injuries

various types of injuries.

In order for the body to have the ability to perform movements in all planes, it is important to strengthen its muscles and joints.

Plank is an effective activity to build muscle mass and reduce pain after doing sports or demanding physical activities.

3. Can be practiced anywhere

To carry out this exercise , all you need is a place with enough space to stretch your body. Therefore, it is an accessible routine, for example, during a trip or after staying in a closed space such as the office or home.

4. Improve posture

Strong muscles and joints also help improve body position. After mastering this exercise, your body will be more upright and look much taller.

The muscles that support the spine are strengthened and help correct poor posture.

5. Improve balance


One of the most important aspects of plank is that it takes a lot of concentration, balance, and coordination.

If there is little physical resistance it will be very difficult to find a balance. However, with your constant practice you can improve little by little.

How to do plank the right way?

To plank properly, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • Feet : They will be one of the supports of the body, so they will have to maintain balance.
  • Legs:  They will remain straight and together. If not, the pressure on the right abdominal muscle is reduced.
  • Buttocks : They tighten and do not relax until the end of the activity.
  • Lower back : At this point care must be taken, as it must remain firm and upright. Poor posture can cause injury.
  • Abdomen : During all activity should remain contracted, so that pressure is felt.
  • Elbows : These are just below the shoulders, forming a straight line.

Tips for beginners

For the plank to have an effect on the muscles of the body , the same position must be maintained for a few seconds or minutes.

As it is not easy at first, you can start with about 10 or 15 seconds per series. Then, after gaining practice, this time can be extended up to two minutes per set of 5 reps.

eye! If you are not used to doing it, you should not try to resist more than your body can.

Build endurance gradually, without causing pain or other types of physical discomfort.

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