The Difference Between A Bad Day And A Good Day Is Your Attitude

It all depends on our attitude, on the way we face what happens to us. As John Milton told us in his work Paradise Lost, “our mind is that place where, almost at the same time, we can create both heaven and hell”.

Psychologists tell us that attitudes are our control center in life, those glasses from which to see our reality in one way or another.

Although it is true that it is not easy at all to maintain the courage and courage with which to face each of our most daily problems and events every day, it would be worth reflecting on it, and promoting a stronger mind, a more positive vision about things.

Always maintaining a good attitude is like  “placing the north” in our personal compasses, to face each complex event with more energy and vitality. We invite you to put it into practice using the following strategies.

Change your attitude


We cannot change what happens to us, but we can change the attitude with which we deal with life’s disagreements. A dismissal, an illness, a loss, a marital separation, a disappointment … Life always has that hidden side, that reverse in which, it brings or later, those kinds of things happen for which nobody is prepared.

  • It is very likely that you have already gone through one of these events. If so, we are sure that you yourself have reached the following conclusion: there are only two options, give up or keep moving forward.
  • Now, in reality, it is not enough to “keep moving forward” either. It is not the same to walk aimlessly than to know where we are going. Getting carried away is not the same as having a clear and objective purpose.

The Red Queen Theory

In psychology and sociology we often talk about what is known as “the theory of the Red Queen.” This term originates from the famous Lewis Carroll character from Alice Through the Looking Glass .

When Alice meets the Red Queen, she is surprised that, despite walking, she has the clear feeling of not moving forward. Always stay in the same place. It is then that the Queen indicates that in that world, just walking or running is not enough. To survive and be successful, you have to change your attitude and try a little harder. “You have to run faster.”

Also, later on, the Cheshire cat would also give Alice some great advice: in life it is not enough to know how to walk: you have to know which way you want to take and where you want to go.

Alice in Wonderland

Thus, with these examples we can conclude on the following:

  • We can all get lost from time to time and take the hardest path, the one that brings us the most sadness or disappointment.
  • Now, despite not being able to change what has happened to us, we can change our attitude to what happened to find another option, to continue fighting.
  • It is not a question of “letting ourselves go” without more. You have to “run faster knowing the direction.” We must find our own resources and always remember where we want to go, remember what our goal in life is: Happiness.

Beware of negative attitudes that surround you

We already know that, when faced with a negative event, what counts is the attitude with which we face it. Now … what if whoever is around us transmits their negativity and defeatism to us?

Attitudes often define social groups, families, friends. People come together based on common beliefs, tastes and passions, in addition to blood ties, where through education various patterns of thought are also transmitted.

Attitudes are a combination of our educational patterns, our experiences, values, and personality. It is a subtle and complex combination where, many times, what the rest contributes or suggests weighs more.

Woman hand raised

An example about it

Let’s take an example. Today you have to do something important at work. You have to present a project, ask for a raise or a few days off.

  •  You wake up convinced that you are going to achieve it, that everything is going to be fine. However, your partner, your family or your co-workers tell you that “don’t get your hopes up, surely things don’t go the way you expect”.
  • If you are a person who is confident in yourself and always strives to maintain a strong and confident attitude, you will ignore those comments.

    Furthermore, your self-esteem also tells you that even if it goes wrong, nothing will happen either, because you will look for other options. That is a good attitude.

    However, people who are influenced by negative attitudes in their environment will be disappointed in many ways. They will see more problems than solutions in each step they take.

    Do not let that happen. Do not let anyone cross your personal walls, your area of ​​psychological safety, where your strengths, your goals and that fighting attitude that faces winds and tides rise.

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