15 Uses Of Lip Balm You Probably Didn’t Know About

The cocoa or lip balm is a cosmetic product to   protect the delicate skin of this area against the aggressions suffered by the environment. This helps it retain its natural moisture, reduces the presence of dead cells and creates a protective barrier against free radicals and the sun’s rays. But there are more uses of lip balm, get to know them!

The lip balm, an excellent ally for …

1. Relieve injuries and stings

Due to its moisturizing and soothing properties, the lip balm is useful to soothe small frictions or superficial injuries that the skin suffers. Its application calms irritation, reduces the sensation of itching and accelerates the cell regeneration process. In fact, it is very useful in alleviating the discomfort caused by mosquitoes, mosquitoes, and other insects.

2. Take care of your face from the sun

The protective effects of this product are not only useful for the lips, but can also be used for the rest of the face. Although it does not have a protection factor as strong as that of a sunscreen, it can be used in emergencies, never replacing it with real protection.

Of course, it should not be rubbed in the eye area because it could be irritating.

3. Cover scratches on leather goods

Rubbing a bit of lip balm over leather items can help conceal scratches and the worn look. Use it on shoes, bags, belts, furniture, and anything else that is starting to look dull and damaged.

4. Generate fire

If you can’t get a fire going but you do have some lip balm, apply it to a cotton ball and light it. This will burn instantly and keep the flame longer than a regular match. Did you know?

5. Make a candle

If you insert a wooden stick or rope in the protector you can get a candle for emergencies.


6. Use it as an ingredient

Since it contains oily compounds, this product is very useful for lubricating zippers, screws and other metal items that get stuck easily.

7. Use it as a container

The empty container of the protector can be used to store other thick compounds such as toothpaste, soap, wax and petroleum jelly.

8. Say goodbye to frizz

A little lip balm on the brush can help to avoid the uncomfortable frizz  or frizz of curly hair. Rub it in when in high humidity environments to keep your hair defined longer.


9. Use it as a secret hiding place

An empty lip balm container is a perfect place to store money or anything else of value without fear of it being stolen.

10. Avoid blisters

The material of some types of footwear is aggressive with the skin and causes those painful and uncomfortable blisters. If this is your case, take a little lip balm and rub it two or three times over the area of ​​the abrasion.

11. Improve your makeup

Due to its creamy texture, this product is perfect for giving makeup a more professional finish, preventing folds from forming and making the products last longer. Take a small amount, mix it with eyeshadow or blush and apply it.

12. Get perfect eyebrows

Sometimes the hairs on the eyebrows are unruly and look disheveled despite using makeup combs. To hold them in place and get the look you want, rub a small amount of lip balm to seal them in. 


13. Correct makeup mistakes

During makeup, it is common to stain some areas of the face that should be a natural or different color. To avoid having to remove it completely, rub a little lip balm, wrap a napkin around your finger, and correct it.

14. Make your perfume last longer

By applying a little lip balm on the areas where you put the perfume you can achieve a longer lasting scent.

15. Soften your cuticles

If you’re getting a manicure and you don’t have a cuticle-softening product, rub on some lip balm and let it work for a couple of minutes. Not only will it soften them but it will also provide extra moisture.

Ready to get more out of this product? Now that you know how useful it can be, feel free to consider it to make your life easier.

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