The People You Attract Are The Reflection Of Who You Are

The people you attract are nothing more than your own reflection. Even if it is hard for you to admit it, you have invited toxic people to come to you. It was not a request that you have verbalized, not something that you have been looking for.

However,  the energy you emit will bring you closer to those you do not want, but that you unintentionally bring closer. But how can this be possible, how have you been able to provoke this?

In the next article we will explain why the way you treat yourself influences the way others treat you.

Learn from the people you attract

people you attract

Your mistakes allow you to learn. Every fall is not a failure, but an opportunity to realize that you were not doing well. The same thing happens with people.

Learn from everything that happens around you, open your eyes! All those around you are your own reflection. You constantly regret that those with whom you start love relationships hurt you. However, isn’t it weird that the same story always repeats itself?

Do not always blame your partners, do not accommodate or seek that attractive role of victim. It is important that you think that, perhaps, the error is yours. You must be doing something wrong so that you always end up with the same type of person.

It is possible that you do not say what you think from the beginning, that you submit or that you let your partner take the reins of the relationship, who leads you.

If you act like this, it is impossible for you to be with someone who will make you happy in the long run. Mature relationships are built on the basis of equality and respect, and you are not respecting yourself.

You may be following the same pattern when looking at another person because you are looking for someone to make up for some kind of affective deficiency or emotional problem. That will usually only get you in trouble.

You accept the love you think you deserve


Do you respect yourself? Do you think you love yourself? Do you value yourself? These are easy questions, but don’t give them too quick an answer. Sometimes you may believe it is a “yes” when in reality it is not.

If the people you attract don’t respect you, maybe you should start to think that you don’t respect yourself. And it is that, on more than one occasion, this responsibility is left in the hands of others.

Why do they say they love you when they don’t? Perhaps because you are not capable of loving yourself, because you are interested in being loved by others in order to feel fulfilled. Perhaps the only thing you look for in relationships is to run away from your fear of loneliness.

Although you consciously want to find people who meet a contrary pattern, in your unconscious the love you think you deserve is very poor.


Because if you don’t value yourself, it’s impossible for the people you attract to do it for you. How can you seek what you yourself are not able to give yourself?

You think that you don’t deserve too much love, that you are not good enough for anyone, that you are worth nothing, that you are less attractive than others … Enough! It is time for you to increase your self-esteem.

Stop comparing yourself and self-destructing. You are authentic, unique and you deserve all the good stuff. Thinking otherwise will not make you happy or attract all those people who would bring good things to your life.

Accept yourself and discover who you are


Just because you are in your body, it does not mean that you know yourself. If you feel identified with all of the above, you still have a long way to go.

You must fall in love with the person you see every morning in the mirror. Despite its imperfections, all its flaws, it is real, it is natural, it is beautiful, it is you!

Do not hide in your mental noise, follow those thoughts that scream at you to listen to yourself, to dive inside yourself to know what you really want.

Find out what makes you happy and cleanse your life of everything that does not contribute anything, including those attitudes that lead you over and over again on the same path.

It is time for you to act and focus on yourself. You should not look for what you do not have in others,  because they will not give it to you. Acting like this will only make you feel empty. The one who will never abandon you, who you can always count on, is yourself. 

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