Infusion Of Mint And Anise To Relieve Flatulence

In addition to relieving flatulence, both anise and mint can help us prevent its appearance, so we can also take it as a preventive

If we want to relieve flatulence, we must resort to natural herbal remedies with carminative properties. Among them, mint and anise stand out. These medicinal plants are essential in any preparation for digestive purposes. In addition, its taste is delicious.

In this article we share all the digestive properties of the mint and anise infusion. In addition to alleviating flatulence, it will also provide us with other health benefits. It is natural and easy to prepare, so it cannot be missed as a remedy for after eating if we often suffer from this problem.

Why do we have flatulence?

Carminatives for gases

We can all suffer flatulence from time to time. However, there are people who suffer them too often. This causes them great discomfort in their day-to-day life and influences their personal and work relationships, their routine, their free time, their meals, etc.

There are foods that cause flatulence, such as legumes or cruciferous vegetables. However, in many cases we can suffer from a food intolerance that is affecting our digestive system. The most common are gluten and lactose, although they can be to any food. These can cause flatulence, heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

There are also other factors that can be related to this disorder, such as the way you eat or nervous imbalances. This is why it is important to treat this condition in a holistic way. In this sense, we propose a series of tips that will help us overcome flatulence.

Tips to combat them

These tips will help us relieve flatulence with a set of tips and good habits that we can carry out every day:

  • Chew each bite well, without rushing and savoring the food. Saliva is the beginning of the digestive process and is essential, above all, to digest carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cookies, pizza, etc.).
  • Do not drink too much water or other beverages while eating. It is preferable to do it outside of meals. In this way, we will not be so thirsty when eating.
  • No eat much. The ideal is to be satisfied but not full or heavy.
  • Do not mix too many different foods in the same meal. We must take into account a correct combination of foods.
  • Avoid eating in stressful situations or while having hectic conversations.
  • Perform a food intolerance test if we consider it necessary. We may be able to overcome this problem by removing some foods from our diet.
  • Combat nervous disorders such as anxiety or irritability with natural remedies and changing the way we deal with daily situations.

Medicinal plants

The Mint

Peppermint is a medicinal plant with digestive properties that naturally activate the function of the stomach. It is also very beneficial in cases of cough, bronchitis and congestion.

This plant is also very refreshing. In this sense, it is ideal to incorporate it into all kinds of drinks on hot days. In addition, we can also use it as an aromatic plant to give a touch of different flavor to our salads, pasta dishes, sauces, gazpachos, creams, etc.

peppermint to relieve flatulence

The anise

The anise seed has different digestive properties: it reduces flatulence, opens the appetite and reduces stomach pain. This seed is also expectorant and antiseptic, so it is very beneficial in cases of respiratory tract infections.

Anise is not only a medicinal remedy. It is also a key ingredient in many recipes (especially desserts). The sweet touch of anise gives a delicious flavor to cookies, cakes and cakes, in addition to improving the digestion of these foods.

Infusion to relieve flatulence


  • 1 tablespoon of anise seeds (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of dried mint leaves (14 g)
  • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)
  • Stevia (to taste, to sweeten)

mint and anise to relieve flatulence

What should you do?

  • First, we will heat the water and wait for it to come to a boil.
  • When it comes to the first boil, add the anise seeds and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Next, we will turn off the heat and add the mint leaves.
  • We will cover the casserole and let it rest for 10 more minutes.
  • After the indicated time, we will sweeten to taste.
  • We can take this remedy hot or cold, throughout the day or after meals.

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