Foods That Provide More Potassium

Although bananas are the best known fruits when it comes to potassium, there are other vegetables, fruits and spices that also provide us with large amounts of this mineral.

When we are told that we should consume more potassium, we automatically think of a banana. However, there are other foods that also provide this nutrient and that can be included in the diet on a regular basis. 

So you will not get bored of always eating the same thing until you reach the optimal levels of the mineral that intervenes in many organic processes. We are going to tell you how important it is to ensure the contribution of said substance and in what foods it can be found to introduce more variety into the diet.

What is potassium and what is it for?

Foods that provide more potassium

Potassium helps regulate fluid balance

40% of the body’s water is in the intracellular fluid (ICF). The rest are outside of cells in areas such as blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and between cells. This fluid is called extracellular fluid (ECF). Interestingly, the amount of water in the ICF and ECF is affected by their concentration of electrolytes, especially potassium and sodium.

Potassium is important for the nervous system

In this case, potassium is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. To transmit messages, the brain works on nerve impulses. Interestingly, nerve impulses are generated by sodium ions moving into cells and squid ions sio that leave the cells.

In addition, it helps regulate muscle and heart contractions

The nervous system helps regulate muscle contractions. However, altered blood potassium levels can affect nerve signals in the nervous system, weakening muscle contractions. Both low and high blood potassium levels can affect nerve impulses by altering the voltage of nerve cells.

Potassium provides energy, and replenishes fluids and electrolytes lost through perspiration. In addition, it allows the transmission of nerve impulses and is necessary for muscle contraction and recovery after exercising. An inefficient supply of this nutrient could condition the appearance of muscle cramps, according to research published in the  Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.

In addition, as if it were not enough, this nutrient is recommended for those with heart problems or hypertension, since it regulates the heart rate and blood pressure and prevents arrhythmia. In the cases of arrhythmias, the habitual thing is that the own potassium is administered intravenously to manage the pathology. This is indicated by a study carried out in 2017.

Another benefit of a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium is that it protects the health of the kidneys by improving blood flow and allowing better filtering of the blood. It can also prevent kidney stone formation.

What foods provide potassium?

The daily dose of potassium should be between 3,000 and 4,000 mg in adults. It’s good to know that all foods naturally have more potassium than sodium.  However, the manufacturing processes misalign this relationship.

Therefore, we should increase the intake of the first and reduce the second. How? Through a balanced diet:

1. Chard

A rich vegetable with many vitamins that can be consumed in various preparations such as cakes, soups or sandwiches.

  • It is one of the vegetables that provides the most potassium. Every 100 grams (raw) offers us 380 milligrams.
  • Taking into account that a cup of chard is approximately 200 grams, it is not so difficult to incorporate it into the daily diet.

2. Avocados provide potassium

This fruit has a good amount of magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and potassium. It acts favorably on the nervous system, the heart and the skin.

  • It is ideal for anxiety, depression and insomnia.
  • It also reduces anemia, relieves symptoms of gastritis or ulcers, and helps reduce menstrual pain.

3. Cherimoya

Custard apple

This tropical fruit is considered one of the most complete that exist. Thus, it has dozens of properties and each 100 grams provides 382 milligrams of potassium.

  • It can be consumed as a dessert or in some sweet preparation.
  • The custard apple is also composed of proteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins B1, B2 and B6.

4. Thyme

Many aromatic herbs are rich in potassium. In the case of thyme, widely used in Mediterranean cuisine, we can also indicate that it contains thymol essential oil, flavonoids, amino acids, calcium, iron and vitamin C.

It treats infectious diseases of the respiratory system, it is a very powerful natural antibiotic, it helps to increase the defenses, it prevents indigestion and it is anti-inflammatory (ideal for reducing menstrual pain).

5. Milk thistle

Why we should take milk thistle after Christmas

This plant native to the Mediterranean and central Europe has been used as a medicine for centuries.

  • It also treats chronic conditions of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Lowers blood sugar.
  • Avoid the formation of kidney stones.
  • Helps modulate the lipid profile.
  • It is a powerful vitamin complex especially recommended for women after childbirth.

With every 100 milligrams of milk thistle we can obtain 400 milligrams of potassium.

6. Basil

One of the spices that cannot be missing in the kitchen to add flavor and aroma to the dishes. Native to India, but well known throughout the world, basil is rich in flavonoids, vitamins B1 and E, essential oils, and minerals like potassium.

7. Potato


A tuber that can be consumed in a thousand different ways and that is part of the European and American diet provides us with a good amount of potassium. Every 100 grams has no less than 418 milligrams of the mineral. We recommend that you enjoy it steamed, boiled or baked and not fried or salted.

Foods that provide potassium to improve the quality of the diet

Whether you suffer from the aforementioned problems, or if you want to increase the level of potassium in your diet, take note of the products that we have presented. They are a source of this mineral, in addition to presenting other essential micronutrients for the proper functioning of the body.

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