Very High Heating: How Does It Affect Our Health?

It is difficult to define what we consider as very high heating. In part, because the sensations associated with temperature vary from person to person. In this way, the cold suffered by someone accustomed to hot weather is not the same as one who lives in geographic areas where snow falls, for example.

Adequate heating should be between 20 and 25 ºC, with a humidity of around 50%. Above 25 ºC, we would be talking about too high heating; which would be harmful to health, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

The right temperature for humans

It is assumed that the sensation of cold in humans occurs  below 20 ºC of ambient temperature. It will increase at a lower temperature, but it also depends on other factors such as ambient humidity and air pressure.

In this sense, a record of 10 ºC in a humid place is not the same as in a dry place. Nor is the sensation the same, regardless of the outside temperature, whether we are still or moving. When there is no bodily activity, the cold suffers more ; since the cells are not in active metabolism and do not generate heat.

For this reason, in the face of the cold, humans use artificial heating to warm themselves. However, like any method used in excess, very high heating can cause alterations in the body and some health risks.

The risks of high heating depending on the method we use

There are two heating methods that, if used frequently, have noticeable detrimental effects.


pollen allergy

As an investigation carried out in the city of Temuco points out, very high heating with this method is capable of generating toxic gases. As tree wood burns, stored carbon dioxide is released.

Carbon dioxide is, for humans, a waste gas. That is, the body expels carbon dioxide and needs oxygen. Therefore, in the event of poor ventilation, wood heating is capable of poisoning.

Likewise, the heating smoke that comes from the wood also contains gases that are called “heavy”. These gases are toxic for inhalation; producing headaches, nausea, vomiting and even irritation of the respiratory tract.

Therefore, it is essential that a wood heating system is well installed and has a smoke expulsion mechanism. However, even in the best installation conditions, wood can transport and release specific substances from nature that are associated with allergies and asthma, such as pollen.

Reversible air conditioning

The other method that we mention as dangerous is reversible air conditioning. These devices, in continuous and intensive use, can dry the ambient air by removing moisture.

Without sufficient moisture, both the skin and the mucosa (especially the respiratory mucosa) are affected. At the same time, researchers from the Children’s Hospital of Mexico indicate that the generated air current mobilizes particles that, in asthmatic or allergic people, are capable of increasing symptoms.

The effects of high heating

woman with hand on face for headache.

Heating that is too high can have effects on people who feel it :

  • Respiratory infections: the dry environment with lack of humidity and the dryness of the respiratory mucosa are incentives for bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, according to a recent study published by the Revista Clínica las Condes , children are usually the most affected by this situation. Along these lines, one possibility to reverse the risk is the use of room humidifiers and microorganism filters.
  • Bad rest: the high temperature during the night makes it difficult to sleep. Above 20 ºC, the body is not in the best conditions to relax the muscles and sleep. In the same way, when there is little humidity, the respiratory rhythm is altered during rest.
  • Allergies and dermatitis: too high heating dries out the skin, increasing the symptoms of dermatitis. In turn, the movement of air through the heat generating source carries allergic particles; like dust, pollen and mites.
  • Headache: Headache (severe headache) from overheating is quite common. When the temperature is elevated for a long time, we feel a dullness that comes from the dilation of the blood vessels. Excessive heat lowers blood pressure and therefore less blood reaches the brain; causing these annoying symptoms.

The problem of toxic substances

One of the biggest health risks of high heat is toxic substances. These detach from the heating mechanisms and constitute a significant hazard.

An example of this is carbon monoxide. This gas does not have an odor and that makes it difficult to detect when it is generated by bad combustion. In this way, it displaces oxygen from the environment and from the blood; intoxicating the human being.

According to an article published by the Costa Rican Journal of Legal Medicine , in carbon monoxide poisoning there are dizziness, fainting, nausea and headache. Likewise, respiration increases as a defense method to exchange oxygen. Therefore, if it is not resolved quickly, it is a fatal condition.

The other dangerous gas is nitrogen dioxide. It also comes from bad combustion in heating appliances and has no odor either. In addition, it is irritating and alters respiratory mechanics.

Why avoid very high heat?

Today, we must try to perform small acts to take care of ourselves. Also, not having the heating too high is a small gesture that helps to take care of the environment. A fundamental question in these times.

However, for winter days there are natural tips that allow you not to have too high heating : put on warm clothes, use blankets, learn to ventilate properly, etc. It is just a matter of putting them into practice.

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