Are There Foods That Accelerate Aging?

Did you know that some of the following foods are not very healthy and many of them are marketed as “healthy”?

Every time we eat a food, the body reacts in a certain way to digest it. Some ingredients, or foods, could make you age faster.

Consuming what makes you good every day will allow you to feel better. But, pay attention, not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Foods that accelerate aging

 foods that accelerate aging

In the opinion, there are two main culprits that accelerate the aging process of our skin: the first is exposure to the sun, and the second are the p roducts late glycation . These have a direct effect on chronic diseases as well as on the aging process.

Here are a number of foods that could accelerate aging and that, therefore, it would be advisable to avoid consuming them regularly. Surely some of them already knew that they were not beneficial, but others will surprise you.

Refined wheat

When refined carbohydrates are integrated with protein, they cause the formation of a reliable source of glycation end products. Furthermore, l Foods with a high glycemic index, such as white bread, can cause inflammation in the body, a process that is directly related to aging.

Refined sugar

Glycemia is present again. In this case, through the intake of white or refined sugar and products that use it in quantity.

Sugar, as you know, is very bad for your health. It can cause diabetes, but it is also one of the foods that accelerates aging.

Instead, it’s best to use stevia or bake your own sweets or desserts. Leave out everything that is artificially sugary.


According to research carried out on the subject, those who do not consume margarine or butter have fewer wrinkles and less skin damage than those who do. That is why this product could promote aging, and that it would be better to replace it, for example, with olive oil in our diet.


Drinking a lot of coffee is not good because it generates an increase in the levels of cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone”.

In addition, it also produces other effects that accelerate aging, such as:

  • Increases the opacity of the dermis and teeth
  • Dehydrates
  • Causes insomnia

    For all these effects, we recommend not drinking more than one cup of coffee a day.


    As you can see, there are many foods that sell us as healthy but that in reality they are not. It is important that you know the foods that accelerate aging and try to moderate their consumption.

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