My Routine Does Not Allow Me To Rest, What Do I Do?

At present, we are immersed in a world full of information and thousands of occupations that, on more than one occasion, prevent us from getting enough rest. So, we say to ourselves: ” my routine doesn’t allow me to rest, what do I do?” 

Therefore, we will share with you a series of tips and reflections on what we can do to have a better rest and a better quality of life.

Consequences of not resting

Many media have already emphasized this point. Even the Institute of Sleep, based in Madrid, has told us that if we do not rest we can experience the following symptoms:

  • Bad mood.
  • Less ability to handle frustration.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Restlessness.
  • Irritability.
  • Memory problems, among others.
My routine does not allow me to rest, what do I do?

In addition to these consequences, other research emphasizes the fact that there is a relationship between hours of sleep, or rest, and quality of life.

Surely, you already know all this, because they always repeat it to us, however, sometimes our work or study routine does not leave us many hours free to be able to get enough rest. What can we do then?

My routine does not allow me to rest: what do I do?

So, how can we avoid feeling tired if our life goes by quickly and we barely have seconds left, between notifications on the phone, pending tasks, unanswered emails and other stimuli that we receive at all times?

Ok, first of all, it should be noted that there is a difference between physical fatigue and mental fatigue, each with its implications.

Research in this regard indicates that, when mental fatigue is present, it is possible to feel feelings of failure, helplessness and helplessness, in addition to low self-esteem, restlessness and inability to concentrate. As for physical fatigue, it can lead to headaches and osteo-articular diseases, as well as sleep disorders.

Of course, this influences behavior, since the person with fatigue may consume coffee excessively, or some drugs, in addition to having poor performance at a personal and work level, or conflicts in the interpersonal sphere, either in the family or work environment.

What can we do to rest?

So, what are the recommendations that we should follow if we do not have time to rest, but we do have many issues to attend to? Next, we will share with you some strategies that you can apply to improve your quality of life:

  • First, understand that the priority is you and your physical, mental and emotional health.
  • Try to find moments of silence. This is important in order to experience peace of mind. We already know that it is difficult to live without noise, especially in cities, but you can choose not to turn on the radio one day you go to work, take a shower without listening to music or try to practice therapies to calm your thoughts.
    What can we do to rest?

    • Turn off the phone for a moment, as well as any screen that you may have nearby, so you will stop perceiving the sounds of the notifications and you will not be affected by the risks of the light from the screen, which is very harmful, as the experts have already mentioned.
    • Examine if there are any issues or problems to be solved that are emotionally draining you. You need to learn to let go, even if it means forgiving.
    • Delegate functions in your job position. You may think that nothing will go well without your participation, but learn to trust your team and give them tasks according to their capabilities.
    • Observe how your days go by and, if necessary, make some changes to your routine.
    • Help yourself with relaxing massage sessions.

      Finally, we want to refer you to the need to simplify life. Many times we aspire to cover too many things, but we only end up feeling overwhelmed and ill.

      A great thinker, called Epicurus, has a philosophy that is convenient for us in our days, living under maximum pleasure, but we can also find this pleasure in everyday things, such as food, pleasant conversations or art.

      This philosopher also reminds us of the importance of never putting our health at risk to satisfy a desire that is unnecessary and that only brings suffering to our lives. Put it into practice!

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