Are You Being Abused Or Mistreated?

The person who abuses or mistreats himself believes himself superior and seeks to subdue the other to achieve his purpose, no matter what it may cost him

Abuse or mistreatment are terms that we sometimes use synonymously. However, they are two words that need to be differentiated.

Abuse is any act directed towards another person in which some type of violence is present. It can be physical or psychological violence.

However, abuse is not respecting the limits of a person, manipulating them and exercising power over them in order to use this to achieve a specific goal.

I do not know if I am suffering abuse or mistreatment by my partner

In couple relationships, sometimes there are situations of abuse or mistreatment. We need to know how to differentiate in order to act accordingly.

If there is physical abuse it is clear what we are suffering, but how do we identify psychological abuse? For this we have to attend to verbal aggression, humiliation and degrading words.

If there is abuse we have to keep our eyes open for possible manipulations. For example, if the partner is unfaithful to us, he can use the “I’m dying” or “I’m going to commit suicide” to manipulate us and get us back with her.

In abuse a limit is crossed. In the case of the example that we have indicated, it is the limit of respect. We do not accept what the other person decides. We do not respect your feelings. Therefore, we try to change your mind.

In both abuse and mistreatment there is a power relationship. The person who exerts the abuse or mistreatment believes himself superior or shows off his strength or ability to deceive the other and get what he wants.

Abuse is intended to harm, abuse is intended to use


As we noted earlier, there are big differences between abuse and mistreatment. The first is to use the other person to achieve a goal. We may seek it to submit to us in order to feel powerful. Also wanting to convince her to do something she doesn’t want in the relationship.

On the other hand, abuse is already going in other directions. In this case, physical force or psychological aggression is used to harm the other person. Whoever says damage can also say sink. Abuse does not seek anything more than the destruction of the other human being who is often believed to be loved.

This situation is very curious, because many people say they love when they mistreat. When you really love someone, you never hurt them in such a conscious and destructive way.

It is also important to point out that abuse tends to become “the daily bread”. Abuse happens at specific times. Not always the other person will need something from us, however, whoever abuses does need to insult, hit and submit to the other person. It feeds on the damage and suffering of the other.

If there is abuse or mistreatment, it is not love

Sometimes in relationships and even in friendship we allow this type of aggression towards ourselves. We believe that they are momentary, that they have been done inadvertently or that they will not happen again. We deceive ourselves by thinking this so as not to open our eyes and discover that we are with someone who:

  • He doesn’t love us.
  • He does not respect us.
  • It uses us.
  • It hurts us indiscriminately.
  • Also, he treats us like a garbage bag.

We complain because we “love” that person, not realizing that we cannot love someone who treats us so badly. How can you love whoever sent you to the hospital? How to love and trust that person who uses you only when it suits him?

Love is a bandage that we put on our eyes so as not to end a relationship that is destined to fail. A conscious and voluntary bandage. There is no affection there, there is abuse or mistreatment. Two terms that refer to different situations, but that coincide in one thing: there is no love.

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